Berengar awoke within his bedchambers the morning after he returned from the Anangpur Empire. In his arms were two of his beloved wives, who were absolutely naked beneath the silk sheets. On the right was none other than the angelic beauty, Linde von Kufstein, Berengar's most beloved bride. However, on his left was the Princess of the Byzantine Empire, Honoria Palaiologos.
She stared lovingly at the man as he struggled to open his eyes. Though the sun shone through the windows, it had utterly failed to awaken Berengar from his slumber. In an act of passion, Honoria decided to awaken her man by kissing him on the lips. The soft and tender feeling of a woman's kiss had managed to succeed where the natural light of the sun failed.
Berengar's mismatched eyes slowly opened to reveal the sight of his third wife, who gazed lovingly at him. With a wry smile on his handsome face, he greeted the woman.
"Morning, love..."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: