
Now What Should I do with You?

Berengar sat on his plane as it reached peak altitude, with a bottle of whiskey in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other. Kneeling before him was the former self-proclaimed Anangpur Emperor. The man was bound, while the muzzles of several loaded submachine guns were pointed towards his face. 

There was an intense fear in the man's eyes as he gazed upon the Kaiser's mismatched irises. It was clear that he was confused why Berengar was not one eyed, like had been previously reported to him. With a slight chuckle, Berengar took a sip from his drink before answering the question Chandra had in his mind.

"You're wondering if the prophecy you feared for all these years was wrong? I'm afraid not, at least not in its entirety. Until relatively recently, I did in fact have one functional eye, though it was still well contained within its socket.


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