
The Council of Wives

Berengar's wives gathered in a large meeting room within the Imperial Palace, each and every one of them clutched a newborn babe to their breasts as they spoke about their husband, and his most recent affair. Linde was leading the conversation, assuring the women that it was her idea, so that they did not blame their husband for his infidelity.

A golden hair, blue-eyed baby boy named Bruno von Kufstein was suckling at Linde's teat as she began to speak. Like his older brother Josef, this child had inherited his father's hair color, but his mother's eyes. 

"I gathered you all here to discuss something important. I must admit I have been keeping a secret from you all for some time now. However, I will say that I did so for the sake of keeping our family together, but I fear you will all find out sooner or later, and blame Berengar for his actions.


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