It had been hours since the German Army had taken the city of Rome and surrounded the Holy See. Berengar had personally seen to the capture of the Pope and his cardinals. Currently, in the streets of Rome, citizens and soldiers alike gathered below the Papal Palace to witness a spectacular event.
On the balcony, the soldiers of Germany had tied the Pope and all of his Cardinals to wooden posts which stood above a great pyre. These soldiers carried jerry cans which were filled with diesel in their hands and rapidly doused their victims with the highly flammable substance.
While the soldiers were preparing the Pope and his lackeys for their deaths, the German Emperor stepped upon the balcony dressed only in a loincloth. His skin was glistening as if he had received an oil massage, but it was not olive oil that coated his skin, but the same flammable liquid which was now being poured onto the pope.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: