The Bengal Emperor cleared his throat before answering Itami's question. While he spoke, he deliberately planned to leave out the good things he had heard about Berengar. Why would he do this? Because he could tell that Itami was very interested in the Kaiser, so much so that should she hear the better aspects of his character, she might become infatuated with him.
After all, Asha had heard the rumors that Itami was after a man capable of defeating her in battle, and if anyone in the world could achieve that, it was surely Berengar. The last thing he needed in his attempts to woo the woman was her falling for another man. Thus, with a grim expression on his face, he prefaced his long-winded rant about the Kaiser with a disclaimer, just in case anything he said turned out to be false later.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: