
Countermeasures Against the Threat in the West

Itami sat within the confines of her personal quarters. She wore nothing but a silk robe while her snow white hair was glistening with water. For the fifth time in the past forty-eight hours, she had just come out of her personal hot spring. She was lucky to have such a luxury, as it helped her cope with the stress she was currently facing. 

After finding out that there was another reincarnator in the west whose name was Berengar von Kufstein, and that his Empire was quite possibly as advanced as her own. Itami had been plagued with migraines, which was a common symptom when she was especially stressed. 

She did not know who this Berengar von Kufstein was, what his personality was like, or the extent of his ambitions. However, she could already guess that if the Reich was as advanced as her Empire was, then they posed a significant threat not only to her rule, but her very existence. 


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