
Broken Survivor

King Aubry sat upon his throne as his sister Sibilla ranted to him about the current state of affairs for their Kingdom.

"I can't believe they betrayed you like this! Was this not a crusade to end the Saracen's control over the holy land? How could they do this? I am certain the Kaiser is behind this!"

Sibilla held an instinctive grudge towards the German Empire and its ruler due to the abuse she had suffered during her sentence to a labor camp. She felt she was unjustly accused and convicted. Though she had been a loose woman in her past, she never thought she would have to sell herself into prostitution in order to survive at any point in her life. 

Aubry, on the other hand, knew his sister was not in her right mind, especially when misfortunes befell their household. Thus, it did not take him long to correct his sister's mindset.


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