
Drinking from Urðarbrunnr

Berengar gazed at Wyrd with a stoic expression on his face. The little girl's smile sent shivers down his spine. This was not the pleasant smile of a normal girl, but instead that of a supernatural being who wanted to devour his soul. If not for his boon of courage, he might have collapsed in the face of such a terrifying being. 

Honoria was confused about everything that was happening. She was uneducated on matters of Germanic mythology and its various branches. She did not know what the World Tree was or its significance to the Germanic pantheon. Nor did she understand that this woman was the Norse equivalent of the Moirai. 

As for Alexandros, he was too afraid to even move, and stayed within his mother's grasp, fearful of the little girl who was awfully reminiscent of his other mommy Adela. Though the woman he knew was far older, and more developed than this little girl. 


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