
A Difficult Life Outside the Empire

While Berengar focused on expanding the Industry of his Empire, and securing his borders. Itami had begun her plans for modernization of her newly formed Imperial Japanese Army. Soon enough the woman would launch an attack on the rebels, and cut the heads off the multi-headed hydra that were her enemies. 

However, this was not the only major events occurring in the world. The Sultanate of Al-Andalus had invaded Morrocco, and while Hasan was off playing the role of a Conqueror, German forces exerted control over Iberia, ensuring that the Spanish and Portuguese people did not raise their swords in rebellion. 

War was not the only major events going on in the western world. As a result of the Catholic League's sanctions against the German Empire, poverty, famine, and pestilence had begun to spread across the Catholic World. This did not only affect the peasants, but the nobility as well.


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