Berengar stood within the confines of his newest son's room. The tan skinned boy who held the blood of Germania and Al Andalus within his veins was sleeping in his crib. His golden hair waved as the light breeze of the autumn wind flew through the windows.
Princess Yasmin and her husband, the Emperor of Germany, stood side by side as they gazed upon their newborn child with affection. Berengar had little time for family affairs as of late, and thus he could not give the child a proper name.
As for the mother of the child, she refused to name her son without the input of the boy's father, a liberty that more than one of Berengar's other wives had taken for themselves during his previous absence. As the two doting parents gazed upon the young Prince of Granada, Yasmin spoke up about the topic she was most interested in.
"So, shall we give him a German name, or an Arabic one?"
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: