While Berengar and his marines were engaging in a one-sided massacre on the other side of the world, the Austro-Bohemain Army had finally arrived within Marienburg. The current Grandmaster of the Teutonic order was a man named Hennek von Rotenburg and had greeted Eckhard and his soldiers with open arms. After all, the current state of the Teutonic Order was not exactly enviable.
Immediately upon making contact with the Teutonic Order, Eckhard handed the Grandmaster a list of demands from King Berengar von Kufstein. After a night of intense negotiation, the terms that the Austrian Monarch had presented were agreed to by the Teutonic State and its various leaders.
The first of these conditions was that the Teutonic State, all of its territories, and claims were to be annexed by the Kingdom of Austria starting immediately. This was something that the Teutonic Leaders had already agreed to some time ago.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: