Well over a month had passed since Berengar and Honoria had begun to make preparations for their journey to the New World. Standing at the docks of Trieste was none other than Berengar and his Pirate Queen Honoria.
The couple held hands as they gazed at the recently retrofitted Honoria's Revenge, which had been rebranded as "Queen Honoria's Revenge." It was now an iron-clad sloop of war, fully capable of winning any naval battle on its planet entirely by its lonesome. No enemy vessel on this great earth could pierce its watertight steel-plated hull.
The day had finally arrived, and Berengar was about to step foot on a journey to the new world. While the 5th, 7th, and 9th Divisions of the Austrian Royal Army had already begun to deploy to the Teutonic State, he was taking a separate journey, one that many would deem utter madness should they become aware of it.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: