The sun shone on the city of Toledo. Having been sacked by the Austrian Army during their intervention in Reconquista, its inhabitants had largely abandoned the city. At least for some time, however, after a while the people returned to their homes, believing they were safe from the violence that had shifted towards the Kingdom of Portugal.
Unfortunately, it did not take long for the Kingdom of Aragon to enter the power struggle within Castile's borders. After many months of combat, the flag of the Kingdom of Aragon now flew over the former capital city of the Kingdom of Castile.
Bodies lie hewn in the streets, soldiers and civilians alike tossed to the side, as medieval armies of Aragon laid claim to their prize. King Felipe de Trastámara clutched the hilt of his sword with his ironclad hand. Fresh blood dripped from its blade onto the stone floor of the Palace which once housed the royal family of Castile.
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