
Dinner with the French Prince

Since Aubry had first arrived in Kufstein, a few days had passed. Since then, Berengar had been maintaining his distance. Though his duties as the host were to entertain his guests. He had found the French Prince to be an utterly reviling creature.

Despite his natural disgust towards Aubry, Berengar could not avoid contact with the boy entirely. After all, he had to provide food to his guests, and thus he now found himself seated at the table alongside his family, and the French Prince.

Aubry showed up at the table early to get a spot near Berengar. Whatever game he was trying to play, Berengar was not having it. Thus, the moment the French Prince sat down in what was normally Honoria's seat, he received a deathly glare by the Austrian Monarch, which caused him instinctively to find a more distant location to be seated at. 


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