
Portugal Surrenders

The sun rose in the east, and with it, the shelling of the city of Porto had continued under the command of Strategos Palladius. The Austrian Artillery brigade had been unleashing its firepower on the unsuspecting town throughout the entire night.

While Berengar was off on a quest to capture the Portuguese King who had begun to flee to the neighboring Kingdom of Castile, the main Army had been in the process of journeying to the city of Porto to lay siege to it. 

Several days had passed, and Palladius had made sure not to shell it until the night prior, despite surrounding the city. He wanted to give Berengar some time to complete his objective before turning the city into a ruin. The destructive power of the cannons in use by Berengar's forces was something the aging Byzantine General swore he would never become accustomed to.


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