
Clandestine Operations in the Kingdom of France

Within the confines of the Duchy of Burgundy, a meeting was held within the Duke's castle. The man who had begun an open rebellion against the French Crown due to the promiscuous behavior of his former lover, the Crown Prince, was sitting upon his ducal throne.

Standing before him were a group of diplomats dressed in the attire of belonging to the upper class of the Iberian Peninsula.  The man at the forefront of the delegation began to speak French with a heavy Iberian accent as he addressed the man before him with a sign of humility and respect.

"I understand that you are doing the Lord's work by exposing the sinful nature of the Royal Family. Prince Aubry de Valois's behavior is truly disgusting, and the boy is destined to burn in eternal hellfire! Thus my master King Fransisco de Trastámara, ruler of the great Kingdom of Castile, has ordered me to deliver these weapons to your Grace as a sign of our support."


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