
The Bohemian Army Arrives

Having recovered Jürgen's corpse, or what was left of it, Captain Andreas Jaeger quickly made his way out of the tent; however, the moment he exited it, he noticed a large and muscular figure. According to the dossier they read over before this mission took place, this man was likely to be none other than Subetei, the man who was the favorite to succeed the previous Khan who Jürgen had assassinated.

Subetei immediately reached for his saber; however, before he could even get his hand on his weapon, a booming echo resounded through the night's sky. A gaping hole was in the middle of the Mongolian warlord's chest as he stared at Andreas with surprise. In the Captain's hand was a 1422 Service Revolver, which he had fired the moment Subetei reached for his weapon. 


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