
Shipping Off to Granada

The time had come, in a few days, the day that Berengar had pledged to provide military support to his ally in the Iberian Peninsula will have arrived. After months of preparation, the First Division was ready to ship off to Granada, where they would fight against the Catholic Armies until the borders of Granada were secure. 

Berengar did not plan to make Iberia into his Afghanistan where he would maintain a presence until Al-Andalus had been reconquered. Instead, he intended to bail his ally out of their current predicament, and aid them in rebuilding a large and powerful military so that they would be capable of waging the rest of Reconquista by themselves. 

With this in mind, Berengar stood in front of his army dressed in a variant of his field uniform. This was a uniform based upon that which a Prussian Cuirassier would have worn during the 1870s of his past life. However, there were some significant differences with the uniform that he wore at the moment. 


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