Days came and went as Berengar enjoyed his week within the City of Constantinople. He had spent the majority of this time in the loving arms of his newest wife, where the newlywed couple shared practically all of their time together.
After the conflict with Decentius on that fateful morning, the proud prince had not made a move on Berengar or anyone who had traveled with him. Instead, He largely kept his distance from the Austrian host as a whole.
Berengar had grown suspicious of his actions but chose not to make a move himself; he decided that he would later dispatch field agents to keep an eye on Decentius and investigate the faction supporting him for the succession of the Byzantine Throne.
Eventually, the day came for Berengar to depart, and he returned to Kufstein with his family in tow. The return trip was far less eventful than the journey to Constantinople as such, Berengar and his family arrived in the capital of their Kingdom without incident.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: