Berengar was sitting upon his leather recliner within the sanctity of his study. Within these walls, he was relatively free from all of the stresses of the outside world, even if he was surrounded by piles of paperwork that never seemed to end.
As much as Berengar hated doing paperwork, it had become such a common routine throughout his tenure as a ruler that it was one of the few ways he could relax nowadays. As the days passed since his wedding to Linde, Honoria had grown rather impatient for her own ceremony that was on the horizon.
Quite honestly, Berengar did not know what to make of it, the girl had begun to throw some childish tirades over the simplest things, the brief moment of sisterhood that existed between Berengar's harem was unraveling at the seams, and with it, his peaceful days were coming to an end.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: