
The Second Royal Wedding

The day had finally arrived for Berengar to marry one of his two lovers and officially make her his lawfully wedded bride. As Linde was the second wife in the harem's hierarchy, she would be the first to be married.

After this day was over, Berengar would have a week to spend with his new bride before sailing off to Constantinople where he would marry Honoria within the halls of the legendary Hagia Sophia. If it weren't for the importance that the Byzantines placed on Honoria's wedding, Berengar likely would have married both Linde and Honoria at the same time. 

However, because of the Byzantine Emperor's request for his daughter's wedding to be held within the land of her birth, Berengar had placed Linde's marriage first and Honoria's shortly after. With this in mind, he would have today revolve entirely around Linde.


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