Now that Berengar had successfully created metallic cartridges, his first order of business was to produce a sidearm for the cavalry, officers, and rear-echelon personnel to use. For starters, the flintlock pistols that they were currently issued were beyond obsolete compared to the other weapons being given to the Austrian Royal Army.
Frankly, Berengar did not trust his current issue flintlock pistol to protect his life anymore; even if he was going to be taking less of a frontline role from now on, he still wanted a multi-shot weapon to defend himself should the need arise.
As such, Berengar quickly got to work designing the weapon. Considering he had already designed the .38 Special cartridge and had even begun production of it, now was the perfect time to introduce a proper Service Revolver.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: