
Battle of the Adriatic

While Berengar's Jaeger Corps was in the process of hunting down and eliminating the Italian Skirmishers who had embedded themselves along Berengar's path to Milan, Grand Admiral Emmerich had begun the single most decisive Naval Battle of the Austrian War for Independence.

A massive force of several hundred Italian Warships had gathered; their goal was simple. To cause as much damage to the Royal Austrian Navy as possible. Unfortunately for them, the size of the Austrian Armada had been growing as the weeks passed by, and the Austrians now he over eighty Berengar class Frigates at their command. 

Meanwhile, the cities of Venice and Genoa had been devastated to the point where they were incapable of producing new vessels. After the Privateers and Austrian fleets had begun sinking the Imperial trade convoys, the Emperor was left with only one option on the sea, and that was to trigger a large-scale naval battle and hope that God favored him. 


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