
The Princess Arrives II

After arriving in the castle with a new, young, beautiful woman tied around his arm, Linde was unhappy, to say the least; she could not take her eyes off of Berengar for a single moment without him chasing after the next prettiest girl in the room.

Before Berengar even explained the situation to her, he had himself, Honoria, and Linde sit down at the dining table, where the best food in Kufstein was prepared for them. While they waited, Linde stared furiously at Berengar, and this did not go unnoticed by Honoria. 

However, Honoria saw Linde as competition in the war for Berengar's affection; the only question on her mind was whether or not Linde was Berengar's fiancee or his mistress. As such, she casually approached the conversation by complimenting Linde to Berengar.

"Your Grace, your wife is lovely; you must be quite proud."


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