
Sweet Dreams!

After the drama that unfolded during his stay at Graz, Berengar found himself in an awkward position; Adela was not speaking to him at the moment due to several complicated reasons that Berengar was too dull in social matters to properly comprehend. 

As Berengar was thinking over this problem he had no way out of, he heard a knock on his door. As such, he cautiously opened the door and peered out from the crack in it. In the doorway was Adela, who was still dressed in her white and gold attire from earlier.

She had a pouting look on her face, though it no longer contained the fury of a woman scorned, and as such, Berengar relaxed his guard a little while opening the door slowly. As soon as the door opened most slightly, Adela pushed her way into the room and sat down on the bed with her arms crossed and her cheeks puffed out.  After a long and awkward silence, Berengar was the first to broach the subject; he decided to bite the bullet and apologize.


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