
The Council of Cordoba I

Enough time had passed since the Proclamation of the German Reformation, to the point where the authorities of the Catholic Church, or at least those who were still loyal to it, had gathered in Cordoba at its famous Cathedral.

There they began to squabble about the ongoing events that were of pressing concern. Berengar's Reformation was far more popular than they had initially estimated, especially after the revelation of the Church's infinite corruption and crimes by Ludolf. As such, this was the most important concern in which they discussed at the gathering.

Simeon, as always, had started the meeting by shouting at anyone who opposed him. Though he called this meeting ahead of schedule to address the German Reformation and the Schism between the Papacy in Avignon and the Vatican, he was not a diplomatic man. He was currently engaged in a debate with the Pope of Avignon, Avilius III, over what should be done about the matter.


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