Weeks had gone by, and Berengar had fully recovered, however at the other end of Europe in the east, the Teutonic Order was still attempting to accumulate its gains in the war with the Grand Duchy of Moscow, and yet, the Grand Master was currently reading a report in regards to the Battle of Oberstdorf in which Lambert fought with Berengar.
The man was greatly frowning as he read the contents. One of his most promising talents, being Lambert was dead, and 10,000 men with him. The results were disastrous; he was not expecting Berengar to field such a large and powerful army in such a short time. Then again, he was also not expecting Bernegar to be the Count of Tyrol by the time Lambert's armies arrived. Too many things had happened between the time Lambert marched to war and the event of the battle itself.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: