
Preparing for an Invasion

At the moment, Berengar was standing in the Great Hall of Innsbruck surrounded by his Officers; in front of them was a large table with a giant map splayed across it; upon this large map were wooden figures acting as representations of Berengar, his allies, and his enemies. It had been roughly a month since Berengar first began his campaign to conquer Tyrol. After several overwhelming victories, he now found himself controlling roughly a third of the territory in which he had desired to conquer.

Since the beginning of the War, when Berengar first left Kufstein, he had put in place measures to begin conscription, he knew his meager army of a little over 5,000 men was not enough to maintain control of Tyrol in its entirety, and as such had begun a new wave of recruitment designed to adequately train the conscripts in the use of firearms, line tactics, and basic combat maneuvers within a matter of weeks.


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