Count Otto was clad in a set of Churburg style plate armor, covered from head to toe in a combination of plate, mail, and gambeson, with a tabard displaying his house's mighty coat of arms. In his hands was a halberd which he used to great effect as he hacked down at the Bavarian defender, a man at arms clad in a brigandine chest plate over a mail hauberk; he wore a visorless bascinet as he desperately defended the attacks of the middle-aged lord.
Otto and his army were currently engaged in a field battle not far from the city of Landshut. Though his troops were outnumbered, he had used superior tactics to surround the Bavarian army in a classic double envelopment much like the one used by the Carthaginian army at Cannae. As such, the field had turned into a slaughter as the Bavarians were pushed together and butchered by the Austrian army. Berengar's family were renowned as warriors for a reason; this notion extended to his cousins and their families as well.
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