
Discussing Defense

After leaving his father's quarters, Berengar returned to the dining room where he ate breakfast; once more, Linde and Henrietta were at the table; however, this time, the two girls were far more cordial with one another. Berengar did not know what Linde had said to Henrietta, but they appeared to be on better terms than before; at the very least, the little girl no longer seemed to pin the blame of Lambert's exile on Linde.

While snacking on some wurst, Linde could not help but ask about Berengar's visit to his father, which put him in a difficult spot, if Henrietta were still secluded, he might be able, to tell the truth of the matter, but with the little loli innocently snacking on breakfast sausage he could not very well inform both of them to the severity of his father's condition. As such, he merely shrugged his shoulders and said the least dishonest thing he could think of.

"I have done all that I am able..."


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