
Chapter 30: Prelude To Disaster

(Wassup y'all. I'm back in my room now, which means chapters are back to their previous upload speed :) )

(Daily Music: Tokyo Ghoul-Unravel English Cover-Jonathan Young)

Today would be the real start of our summer training. Aizawa brought us out very early in the morning, and told us that we were going to train our abilities for the rest of the day.

For example, Bakugo would dip his hands into boiling water and let off large explosions to expand his sweat glands, Iida would be doing long distance running with his Lura active, Tokoyami would be trying to keep Dark Shadow in control even amidst darkness, etcetera.

For my training, I would be trying to see if I could tinker with my bones when they're manifested and control their properties. If this worked, it would give me a lot of variety for my ability, both in combat and out of it.

Every student went to their areas, and we got started.

I first manifested a blunt bone out of my chest, and took it out. I manifested a blunt one to see if I could change it from blunt to sharp while it's manifested. If this worked, I could confuse my enemies in the midst of battle by changing that which I've already made.

It took a good bit of focus, but eventually, the blunt edge changed and became sharp. This proved that I could, in fact, change my bones whenever I wanted without having to manifest new ones. This may seem mundane, but this would be a great reversal. If my opponent is like the Nomu from the attack at the USJ and they have some sort of resistance to blunt force trauma, I can change my already manifested weapon from a blunt one to a sharp one, and the reverse would work as well.

Now, while I was quite satisfied with this ability, I wanted to see if I could add different properties to the bone. So, I dropped the bone I was holding, and focused on a new manifestation.

I first imagined the standard qualities, such as the length and whether it was sharp or blunt. I chose it to be 6 feet long, and sharp. However, I imagined another property. Fire.

When I pulled the bone out, it was on fire. Success.

However, something I noticed was that the fire wasn't having any sort of effect on me, but to everything else, it burnt like they were supposed to upon contact with fire. Looks like I am immune to the negative effects of any properties I manifest on my bones.

While this was a success, I noticed that I got a bit tired when I added the property onto the bone. So, while it costs nothing to manifest regular bones, if I add a property to it, it takes energy. Good to know.

For now, I wanted to test how many bones with properties it takes to completely exhaust me. This would also let me test out lots of different effects different properties may have.

It took me 30 bones in total, counting the one I added the fire property to upon first testing it, for me to completely exhaust myself. While it's not too bad of a limit, I would certainly like to raise the number I can make before running completely out of stamina.

Some of the properties I tried were as follows: Acidic, Ice, Wind, Lightning, and Metal. Acidic, as you would expect, made it acidic. This would make it great for getting through defence.

Ice made it cold enough to physically affect whatever it touched to freeze it. This would be good for bones to throw at someone to hinder their speed.

Wind made it lighter and faster. This was perfect for my bone bullet move.

Lightning, so far, had the best effects. It increased speed, piercing power, had a paralysis effect, and the electricity from it could arc to other bones, both normal and ones with properties. If it chained with another lightning bone, the electricity got stronger, and that would repeat with each lightning bone it arced over to.

Metal made it heavier and gave it more striking power. It would be best to use this property on blunt bones.

I would try out some other properties when I get back to full stamina.

While I was resting, my parents came to check on everyone and keep an eye on them. Mom 3's (Ragdoll) Lura allowed her to scan hundreds of people at a time, telling her their location and weak points. It also keeps the information permanently, even after they go out of her range or if she deactivates it. This allows her to easily keep an eye on everyone at the camp.

They took a quick look at everyone's progress and moved on the next person to see how they were doing, but when they got to me, I could see that they were really excited.

Tiger: (I already know our boy has made great progress already. He has a habit of doing that. I can't wait to see what he came up with)

Mandalay: (He's been working so hard lately. I wish he would take a break more often and learn to lay back, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't really proud of him for all he's done. I already know he'll be great when he goes Pro.)

Pixie: (I wonder what he's come up with. He tends to come up with crazy things in really short periods of time.)

Ragdoll: (He's definitely already got something great to show, since he never takes breaks during the middle of his training.)

(Only time I'll still be using that style of dialogue is to illustrate thoughts.)

I got up and hugged them all. Well, their legs, at least. 8 year old height and all that.

"Hey, Moms and Dad. I assume you came to check on my progress, right?", I asked them. Honestly, I was rather excited to show them what I found.

They nodded, with a smile on their faces.

I focused on a simple manifestation for now. A bone came out of my shoulder. I had chosen to show them the manifestation of a lightning bone.

Electrical sparks crackled off of the bone, small bolts dancing around it as I took it out of my shoulder. The electricity was completely harmless to me, but countless small things on the ground were already getting crinkled from being touched by the electricity.

"I've found out that I can imbue properties onto my bones. All the negative effects of the properties have no effect on me, but they still effect everything else.", I told them.

"Honey, that's incredible! That's basically like having multiple Quirks at once!", Pixie Bob exclaimed. She was seriously surprised that he had so much variety with this ability, This was essentially like having an almost endless amount of Quirks at once, since he could apply basically any property to his bones. The best part was that he was immune to the negative effects of it. At least not all aspects of his ability were set on heavily maiming him.

They all happily observed the progress of their adopted son, thrilled at how incredible he was.

A few hours later, the training ended for the day. At least, for those that passed the Practical Exam. They would be getting extra lessons with Aizawa.

The rest of us went back to the lodge, and we would have to make our own food.

I would get to show everyone my cooking!

I offered to be the one to make the food.

For some reason, a silence ensued.

"Is this the real Jokara? Did he just offer to do something nice? Something must be seriously wrong. Is this the work of a secret villain?", Kaminari said.

"Oh, so that's it. I didn't realise that you all would rather settle for whatever abominations you're going to end up making. I can just tell by looking at you all that you'll all butcher even the simplest dish, except for Sato. So, it's either you all make your failures, or I save you all from embarrassing yourselves at my home. Pick.", I retorted, annoyed.

They, wisely, chose to let me cook.

I made a large variety of dishes for everyone, and made sure to pay extreme attention to every small detail. The cooking, the seasoning, the presentation, everything.

When I was finished, I brought the dishes to all of them.

"Woah! Dude, this is delicious! I never knew you were so good at this!", Kaminari told me.

"It's incredible! I never would have expected such skill from you, Jokara!", Momo said.

"Man, we've gotta get you to make food more!", Mina exclaimed.

I wouldn't admit it to them, but I got very happy every time they complimented the food I made for them.

Unknown to me or anyone else, a gathering of villains was watching us all.

And, unknown to me at the time, this specific night would be my reason for my spiral into hatred.

Next chapter