
Fallout Universe


Me: Are we going now?

Clay: Yeah let's go.

Me: Ok, I'm coming.

Clay activates the portal and I walk through the portal after him. Clay lands in, what he calls, the Mojave. I land behind him and immediately keel over.


I here lightning strike the sand and turn around to see that Creed has keeled over and he has lightning surging in and out of his body...


???: Welcome back my friend.

I cough; The surging lightning too painful, even though I created it from my own body, making me faint.

Clay: You good?

I fall to the ground... unconscious...

I feel hands grabbing me to pick me up and realize that Clay and ??? are taking me to the safehouse, that I saw in the distance before keeling over in pain, so I can rest. I groan in pain as the lightning courses through my body, then I sleep.


Jason: I found this in your room.

Mizore walks in the room. I take the letter and read it.

Mizore: who's the new guy

Jason: I don't know... I just met him myself.


The lightning subsides then stops completely. I cough then groan as I start sitting up. Mizore turns to me and says looks like the new guy finally decided to join the living. I notice that Clay is reading a letter. Then he taps a little on the screen of this giant, bulky, watch that he is wearing on his arm. After that he just disappears.

Me: Hey guys... My name is Creed Cole Grace... nice to meet you.

???: nice to meet you too I'm Jason.

Me: Hey Jason... And who's the pretty lady next to you.

Jason: That would be Mizore, my fiance.

Me: Ooh fiance huh. Good for you two.

Jason: Yeah, it is.

Me: I'm gay so it's hard to find romance now days.

Jason: Well there ain't much to find in the Mojave.

Me: I wonder if I could find love at Ché-Ryu's castle.

Jason: How do you know Ché-Ryu?...

Me: He's my older brother... by exactly five years, three months, and twenty-six days. He was born October twenty-eighth, two thousand and two, and I was born February twenty-third, two thousand and eight.

Jason: Alright then, so...what brings you here anyway?

Me: I thought I could help y'all out since Ché-Ryu has to look after his castle more frequently nowadays.

Jason: So... how do you know the pre war ghost?

Me: Apparently he will be my brother-in-law because he will marry my brother's fiancé's brother.

Jason: Speaking of him where the fuck is he?

Me: I think he left. I'm pretty sure I saw him messing with that giant, bulky watch of his, then he just vanished.

Jason: It's called a pip boy, but I can't argue with the bulky part.

Me: Oh... a pip boy. You're right. That... pip boy... is pretty bulky.

Jason: I guess that letter has something to do with it.

Me: Yeah, I did see him reading a letter before he started messing with his watch.

Jason: It's from someone from the past.

Me: Oh...


Me: (looking at the letter) I guess this is the place.

I load my riot shotgun

Me: Let's do this.

???: Hello there.

I turn my head in the direction of the voice. I see a man in a desert ranger uniform holding a trail carbine.

Me: I once wore a uniform like that, but that was a long time ago.

???: I know... I WAS THERE!

He bashes me in the face with the rifle stock.

Me: Alright fucker you called down the thunder.

I start shooting at him with my riot shotgun. I continue firing as the man is behind cover shooting at me. He throws a grenade in my direction which causes me to run out of its path narrowly escaping the explosion.

Me: (mumbles) Damn Bastard... (Yells) COME OUT!

???: If you say so

He hits me in the back of my head which causes my helmet to be knocked off.

???: I kinda already knew who you were but I guess I'll play fair.

He removes his helmet.

Me: J-Jake?...

Jake: Yeah, it's me, now let's talk.

He punches me through the shack's door. I wipe some blood from my nose.

...Meanwhile back at the safe house...


Me: Do you have any pip boy parts lying around here?

Jason: Check the workshop there might be some.

Me: Ok...

I get out of the bed and go to the garage which I assumed was the workshop. Luckily I was correct and I didn't have to wonder the whole house searching for the workshop. I gather materials to make a pip boy of my own but stronger, with the ability to time skip farther distances, about as small as, and what looks like an Apple Watch. When I finish, I put it on and decide to make one for every person I know and care about as well. Mine is Blue, Ché-Ryu's is Dark Green and Silver striped with Cobalt Blue music notes, Clay's is Red, Jason's is Black, Mizore's is white with periwinkle polka dots, my dad's is brown with yellow stripes, my mom's is brown with magenta hearts, Fae-Ryu's/my little sister's is pink, my Aunt Thalia's is yellow, Glacier's is Navy Blue, Ava's is Aqua and pink striped, everyone else's is grey because I ran out of colors. I wore mine and brought Jason's and Mizore's to them.

Me: Sorry... I didn't know your favorite colors so I just colored it based on your powers... well I colored Mizore's based on her powers which is white for snow and periwinkle for ice.

Jason: Nice... but I already have a pip boy...I'll still use this one though...

Me: Well, I mean, the ones that I made are much smaller, and have the ability to time skip the wearer farther distances than the normal pip boy.

Jason: Thank you.

Mizore: I really like mine... Thank you. I've been wanting a pip boy ever since I saw one. This one is much smaller. You said it can time skip the wearer farther distances than the normal pip boy? That means it's like the pip boy 2.0.

I grab a bag and put all of the other 12 pip boy Jrs. In it. I take the bag and go back into the room and talk with Jason and Mizore.

Me: So... Clay has been gone a while do you think he's ok? Should we time skip to him?

Jason: Maybe...

Me: Where was the place the letter said to meet? We could try out our new pip boy Jrs.

Jason: Some place near the boomers.

Jason, Mizore, and I all got our pip boy Jrs. set up. We all walked outside of the safehouse, and time skipped to near Clay's location but not at his location. We get there and I notice an unknown man basically throw clay into a shack door; which makes Clay's nose start to bleed.

Me: (quietly) Oof.

Clay wipes the blood from his nose.

Jake cocks an m1911 and points it at Clay.

Clay: I know I failed you, but I tried to help you and I'm gonna try to help you again.

Me: (Notices movement in the shack)

Jake: is that what you think this is about? That you left me to rot? Captain I forgive you for not saving me, but why why on God's earth (he kicks down another door) IS HE STILL ALIVE!!

Jason: (mumbles) a... Cannibal?!...

Cannibal: What the fuck?! I must be dreaming... this isn't... (Jake knocks him in the head with the bottom of the pistol)

Jake: You shut up before I put one in your leg first!

Me: (hears Jason's mumble) cannibal?

Jason: Yeah, the guy in the shed is a cannibal.

Cannibal: ARGH! fuck you!

Clay: You don't understand Jake I don't think you've ever understood-

Me: (thinking)I wonder if their is any place that has an electric charge. (scans the area)

Jake: What? That you'll take part in probably a dozen battles, but won't seek revenge because of personal gain?! For fucks sake... bitter springs was personal gain. The NCR wanted revenge on the khans.

Clay: That was different.

Me: (Finds something... Grabs the electric thing)

Jake: HOW?! How is it any different than right now? You'll take part in other peoples personal gain, but you won't commit to yours?! Is it so fucking hard to cross the line?!

Clay: NO! God almighty... no, because it would be too damn easy.

After bitter springs all I ever wanted to do was hunt this bastard down, and subject him to every mother fucking torture known to man, and then end him.

Jake: well your not going to have a choice. (he tosses a pistol towars Clay and Clay catches it)

Me: (I focus all of my lightning powers on the electrical thing sending my electricity through the object and into the wires in the shack)

The place goes dark and Clay tackles Jake to the ground.

Mizore: (shoots ice at the door)

Jake: (In the darkness punches Clay in the face)

Jason: (Shoots the ice turning the wall into tiny shards that ricochet into the cannibal)

Cannibal: GAH!!

Jake: (Shoots Clay in the chest)

Before the bullet hits Clay Mizore shoots ice towards him that ends up being, basically, Captain America's sheild's clone. Not in looks but in durability

Clay knocks Jake out cold and turns on his helmet's predator vision.

Mizore Takes the chance and shoots ice into the barrel of Jake's gun, making it explode.

Clay: (picking Jake up) Time for you to cool down old friend.


izore: So... Do you want me to ice block him or do you just mean to calm down?

Clay: You don't need to give him the cold shoulder. (chuckles)

Mizore: No... I mean literally freeze an ice block around his body... But your joke was funny...

Clay: No, you don't need to do that. Just chain him up until I get back.

Mizore forms chains out of her ice.

Clay teleports to my world and my sister's castle.

Mizore makes a gurney out of her ice. Jason and I put Jake on the gurney. I put one hand on the Jake occuping gurney, and use my other hand to set my pip boy Jr. to my world. Jake and I travel to my world and my brother's castle. Jake and I end up in the forest near my brother's castle.

Me (in my head): I guess I still need to work out the kinks Of the pip boy Jrs. I should also make one for this guy. It seems as if Clay and him used to be friends... maybe I could rekindle their friendship with the simple gift of an awesome pip boy Jr.


Me: Fae-Ryu come with me. We are going to go and mingle with the others.

Fae-Ryu: Bubba... what is happening to me?!

I turn around and see Fae-Ryu flicking in and out. I tell her it will be ok. As I tell her this I hug her tightly.

Creed's and Clay's(POV)

Creed/Clay: I see a flash of light and run towards it, (Creed:)pushing Jake's gurney in front of me. (Both:)When I get there I see Fae-Ryu and Ché-Ryu slowly floating down to earth, hugging tightly, in a bright beam of light. At first, I'm stunned by how bright it is, but my vision clears soon enough. (Creed:)I leave Jake and the gurney where I stopped, and (Both:)I quickly sprint over to Ché-Ryu and Fae-Ryu, who are still hugging tightly on the ground. The bright beam of light dissipated and Ché-Ryu finally looked up from the hug. (Creed:) I see Clay on the other side of Ché-Ryu and Fae-Ryu's hug. (Clay:) I see Creed on the other side of my Ché-Ryu's and Fae-Ryu's hug.


I look up from the hug and see both Creed and Clay standing over us with worried expressions across their faces. Fae-Ryu looks up at all of us.

Fae-Ryu: (jumping out of the hug and jumping up and down) I teleported through a lightning strike.

Me: (slightly disoriented) Are we anywhere near the castle?

Creed: (holding out a hand for me to hold so I can stand up, which I do) Yes we are really close to the castle bro. You look utterly exhausted; you need some sleep. (watching Stella jump up and down from the excitement from her first teleportation through a lightning strike/to me) I'm surprised you're the one that's exhausted and not our younger sister; she's the one that cast that teleportation Lightning Spell... somehow... unknowingly.

Fae-Ryu: (twisting her toe into the ground, holding her hands in front of her, and swinging her arms) I'm sorry I brought you all the way out here, Bubba. It sucks that I don't know how I did that, or I would do it again.

Me: (mussing her thick, dirtyblond locks) It's ok darling. I can teleport as well. We all held hands and I teleported us to the throne room in the castle. Creed took Fae-Ryu to their shared room. I go to my room and fall fast asleep.

Next chapter