
Chapter 108

Everything had changed between Darius and Shereen. He knew it but remained determined to ignore it.

How had this happened? He couldn't even blame the sex. Epic sex, he might add. The kind that left his brain so starved for blood it started thinking crazy things. Completely out of character things like saying I love you and maybe revising his stance on commitment. Him, settle down with one woman?

An amazing woman who made him feel.

Surely it was just the stress of the situation and a lack of vitamins causing his lapse in judgment. Anything else was impossible.

Except the mental lapse kept happening, over and over, not just during the epic sex, either. When Shereen smiled at him. When she frowned. When she blushed. Talked. Moved.

Everything about her fascinated. He wanted to spend every free moment with her. He needed -

"To get off this ship," he mumbled.

Next chapter