
Episode Sixteen - Long Live, The Chief (Part 1)

Chapter Song Suggestion "Blood Pact by James Newton Howard"



The sandstorm continued blowing outside the dim cave, the strong winds howling like a wicked banshee. Even so, she could hear the other children sniffling, their intense fear was a hovering spectre of death, patiently waiting to strike. She didn't know what time it was — most likely midnight.

The distinct dryness in her throat had woken her but, she didn't dare to ask for water. Only two soldiers were awake, standing guard by the cave of the mouth, playing cards, and drinking coffee. Distracting herself, she turned to see Lars fast asleep on his side. Eira never noticed how long his lashes were, stark black crescents against the fairness of his skin.

Lately, the desert sun was starting to make its mark on his Belugian skin. She liked that thought, wondering if her presence too was carving a place in his heart, like he had in hers. It was a strange feeling. Butterflies danced inside her tummy whenever she looked at him. As the Chieftain's children, she and her siblings grew up obsessing about becoming the strongest warrior. Everyday they would train and compete against each other. Boys or romance never crossed their minds.

Lately, all she could think about was this boy beside her and what their future held — was it death or freedom?



"Look at me." Lars's voice was a command she couldn't ignore. There was no escape from him.

Fighting to keep her expression neutral, she lifted her eyes to his. Somehow, this felt more intimate than his tongue inside her.

"Did someone hurt you?" he asked with lethal softness that made her flinched.

She swallowed convulsively, deciding to tell him the truth. It wasn't a secret she planned to hide from him anyway. "B-before you…there was someone else," she paused on a shaky note, her hands clenching at unwanted memories. "The night we were separated, the soldiers transferred me to an underground facility in Ustrana. I spent ten years of my life there, and it was a lonely existence. When I experienced my first bout of depression, I met an older instructor. Petr was popular, charming, and made the sixteen-year-old me felt loved and special. Little did I know, my relationship with him would turn into a nightmare."

Eira recalled when he had first asked to touch her indiscreetly. Feeling uncomfortable yet afraid to lose him, she let him assuage his desires. "I wanted his attention. I trusted him, and he took advantage of me. Every time we did it, I felt dirty and used. His true self was revealed when he started talking down to me, calling me all kind of names and belittling me. He told me it was my fault that my parents were dead." An icy calm settled over her, her dazed voice sounded like a stranger's. "Useless good for nothing whore, he would call me. He mentally tortured me for years, until I met Freya, another instructor who pulled me out of the darkness and gave me my life back."

A self-mocking laugh escaped her. "It's funny how when you're lost in darkness, you forget about everything else, even the good memories. One day, Freya told me that Ataxia had appointed its youngest Captain in history, and it was you. Memories of our time together returned to me, and I was reminded of what it felt like to be safe and protected — not alone. I think that was when I made up my mind to come here, and for years, I worked hard for the acknowledgement that would grant me a transfer."

Long lashes lowered in shame. "It may sound stupid to you, but at that moment, it was everything to me. Petr was a mistake I regret. Intimacy and sex became...difficult for me." Her eyes found Lars's burning stare in the dark. "When I say that I trust you, I mean it. And because we have history, I'm not afraid of you. It's...complicated but, I know that you're nothing like him, and that is all that matters to me."

Lars gritted his teeth with the effort to stay calm. That son of a bitch. If he ever met Petr, Lars would ensure he regretted ever being born and preying on the weak. Controlling his temper, he opened his arms to her. "Come here, Eira."

Tears flooded her eyes when she saw no censure or judgement in his gaze — only acceptance. He was too good to be true. Shooting into his embrace, she burrowed her face into his neck, breathing him in. It was as if the floodgates had opened, and she couldn't stop crying. She was reminded of her parents' love. Comfort and security. It felt like home.

"I'm sorry that happened to you," he murmured into her hair. "I promise, as long as you're in this unit — with us — no one shall ever harm you again."


Lars woke up to the sound of whispering footsteps and he knew their hut was being surrounded. Quietly, he reached for his reaper and then — BASH! — the door splintered to pieces. His weapon was already locked onto the intruder. "Take another step and I won't hesitate to blow your brains out."

"There is no need for violence, Captain Verhelst." The chieftain darkened the doorway, confidently striding in with his pack of warriors.

Lars's gaze narrowed at the use of his title.

Chief Borjan chuckled, his words brimming with confidence. "Yes, I know who you are. You'll be surprised how many people want you dead in the black market, Captain. The bounty for your head is surprisingly high."

So, it was true, Lars thought. The black-market operations did exist. He knew about them from baseless rumours amongst foreign kill hunters and some of the other Captains. "But you are not here for that."

"No," the Chief agreed. "You can imagine my plight when you wouldn't imbibe the wana-wana we've specially served you. Our dear Eira is more trusting than you are." His shrewd gaze landed on Eira who was pretending to be asleep. She had awoken since Lars grabbed his reaper.

"What do you want?" Lars didn't bother to mince words.

"I assume you're here because of what you saw in the Oasis. Even if you didn't, I'm afraid I cannot allow you to leave." Alive. But he didn't have to say it aloud. "You see," Chief Borjan continued, "I don't trust that you won't leave it alone once you return to Ataxia and it's my neck and reputation on the line. You must understand, I have to protect myself."

"What is your connection to the Oasis?" Lars persisted fearlessly, having faced more daunting situations than this. "I don't believe that you're working alone."

"That is none of your business," the chief dismissed his speculation. To his warrior, he ordered. "Tie them up and remove their weapons."

When he was younger, Lars hated being underestimated but, he soon learnt to use it to his advantage. He had expected the chief to kill them immediately, and yet he was tarrying. What was he planning to do with them?

Eira shot out of the bed, ready to pounce when Lars closed a hand over her wrist. He was ordering her to stand down. "But Lars –"

"It's no use, Eira." His tone meaningful and so unlike him, she immediately caught on to what he was thinking. There was no way he would give in without a plan. "We've been caught. I don't want you to get hurt."

It took effort to keep her brows in a straight line. Lars would never say things like 'we've been caught'. He would sooner take his chances dying in a fight than surrendering without even trying.

Chief Borjan released a hoarse laugh. "Oh my, and here I thought you were only playacting. Are the two of you really in love?" He placed a hand over his heart, feigning sadness. "I almost feel bad for ending your young lives."

As the warriors tied them up, Eira demanded angrily. "Why are you doing this, Chief Borjan? How can you do this to a fellow tribemate?" Hurt and bitterness descended over her features.

"Your parents are long dead, Eira. The Qeathan reign has been over for years!" He spread his arms wide, chest swelling. "This is my era now – the Xaosose tribe will prevail in Skocia. That is my ultimate goal."

Eira couldn't believe how much Chief Borjan had changed – weak and timid – was her first impression of him, except he was no longer that. Was this his true character all along?

"Uncle! What is going on!" Izel's severe demand rang from the outside. He had been on his morning patrol when he saw the tribe warriors heading intently towards Eira's hut. Suspicion spurred him to follow them. No one should be awake at this hour, not unless they were up to no good.

"Return to your patrol duty, Izel!" the Chief barked, annoyed at his meddling and straitlaced nephew. "This is none of your concern."

Izel shoved pass his uncle's warriors, eyes widening at the sight of Eira and her husband being restrained. "What are you doing? Release them at once!" He was beyond horrified. "This is no way to treat our guests."

"Don't be foolish, Izel," his uncle made a rude noise. "Your dear Eira has been lying to us. She and this man aren't joined. They are Ataxian soldiers sent here to disrupt our peace. They are our enemies."

"Kiawe! Liar!" Eira lunged at the Chief, her teeth snapping in anger.

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