
Episode Twelve - Enemies (Part 2)

"Now's not the time, Eira," Lars growled softly.

She ignored him, hoisting herself up onto Xue Long's back. "If I kill more horned lancers than you do, then you'll owe me a favour. The same condition applies if you win, and I lose."

He grunted in response and took off into the forest.

"Uhd! Hey! That's cheating!" she protested, urging Xue Long after him. The dragon leapt into the air and soared above the trees, allowing Eira a bird's eye view of the forest. From her altitude, she spotted Lars firing at the scattered horned lancers and pointed at a low branch nearby. "Set me down there." Hopping off the dragon's back, she murmured. "Wait here, and don't move a muscle."

Engaging in her hunting mode, she hunkered down and observed Lars tackling two smaller horned lancers. While not highly intellectual, these creatures relied on strength and speed. They often moved with instinctual awareness that lent them a dangerous reputation, although it could sometimes bring about their own demise. So intent on hunting, these predators would block out its environment just to capture its prey, even at the risk of falling off a cliff.

Horned lancers didn't resemble any known animal, looking more like a hybridization of a four-legged iguana with hooves, a sharp tail, and a pair of spiked, curving horns. Their bodies were covered in matte, green scales and a distinctive yellow trigonal pattern mapped their dorsal areas. Their tails — marked or not — determined their sexes.

Her attention snapped to a larger horned lancer sneaking up from behind. Raising her reaper, she released an arrow and watched it sliced through the air. STAB! The horned predator roared furiously, its spear-like tail punishing empty air, attempting to dislodge the arrow on its rump.

Eira jumped and landed on her toes, cautiously approaching the riled beast. An average horned lancer grew as big as an old era Shire Horse. This one wasn't an adult yet, judging by its shorter frame.

With her fingers wrapped tightly around her blade, she circled it slowly – her movements calculated but alert. The predator's nostrils flared to breathe her in, no doubt marking her. Its massive horns angled downwards with wicked intention and then it charged.

Eira braced hard as it rammed into her, the impact jostling every bone in her body. Tension seized her trembling arms as her muscles strained to withhold its incredible strength. Just one slip, and she would be gored to death. Redoubling her efforts, she anchored her blade against its horns and evaded its spearing tail. She had no plans to be skewered by a measly level three predator. Horned lancers could be dangerous but, only to unskilled hunters.

In the past, she would kill them from afar. This was her first time wrestling one. Retaliating, she punched its eye and swiftly dug her blade into its chest and twisted, slicing cleanly from its neck to the top of its head. Blood sprayed in an arterial rush, but she was undeterred, steadfast in killing the beast. The moment the horned lancer collapsed; she was awarded a view of Lars aiming his reaper at her.

Eira's heart momentarily stopped. And then, she felt it. A waft of hot breath tickling her nape.

Instinctively, she dove for safety. Only then, did she turn around. Eira nearly lost her shit at the size of the mother of all horned lancers hovering from at least ten feet tall. How did it sneak up on her so quietly? Her eyes travelled the length of its iridescent torso, its sharp canines gleaming ravenously with overflowing hunger. Obviously, the ones lying dead on the forest floor were the small fries. The tip of its swishing tail was black, indicating it was a mature male.

Replacing her spot, Lars fired mercilessly, his brows knitted in steady concentration. Having never seen him in action, Eira was paralyzed by his fearlessness and ferocity – the raw beauty of masculine strength. Never flinching, Lars remained undaunted when its spearing tail came close to gouging out his eye. Releasing his reaper's blade, he caught the whipping muscle and cruelly severed it. Blood spilled everywhere.

The horned lancer flounced in agony, smooth muscles rippling beneath dark green scales. Lars was about to finish it off but Xue Long beat him to the punch. Tackling the horned lancer, the white dragon pinned it down with the claws of its hooked wings, compensating its smaller body mass with its extensive wings. The larger predator struggled violently, its jaws snapping and horns locking with Xue Long's triton crest.

Several times it nearly succeeded in throwing Xue Long off but, the stubborn dragon refused to give up. It yelped forcefully when the horned lancer took a bite off its forearm. Eira shot to her feet, ready to attack but Lars blocked her path. "Stand down," he ordered curtly, reining in her recklessness. He understood her need to help but, he refused to let her get caught in a predators' battle. It was an express ticket to the afterlife, and a common mistake by young hunters.

Eira was a seasoned hunter, she should know better. And yet, she couldn't stop the worry in her chest. They watched as Xue Long seized the horned lancer by the mouth and pried its jaws apart. What came next was definitely out of their realm of expectations.

Molten glow flared from Xue Long's underbelly, a fiery red travelling from the base of its chest to its neck and finally bursting through its opened mouth in a series of hot air blasts, down the horned lancer's bulging throat.


Slabs of flesh and brain matter painted the ground. What remained of the horned lancer was a twitching torso.

Eira was glad to be standing behind Lars. His big body helped to block the gore from landing on her — not because she was squeamish — but cleaning it out of her hair was a pain in the neck.

Lars flicked off a piece of stray meat from his arm. So that was how it had saved Eira's life from the sand driller. This anonymous predator harnessed a hidden potential, and its powers could be a double-edged sword. It might be friendly with Eira but, its behaviour and characteristics were still unknown. He had a decision to make — kill it now, or train it to their advantage.

Eira, on the other hand was equally impressed and horrified by the carnage. Her wide eyes latched upon Lars. "That was insane!"

His lips twitched at her choice of words. Indeed. It had been awhile since he was taken by surprise in a fight. He certainly hadn't expected a predator to 'save' their lives. Or for a predator to make nice with a human, he thought wryly as Eira ran to hug the dragon.

"Oh, Xue Long!" She checked its bleeding wound. "How bad is it?"

All Lars heard was a rumbling sound but, to Eira, it said. {I am unhurt.}

Eira was unconvinced, her tone sceptical. "Are you sure? Can you walk or fly?"

{Just a scratch, Master.}

"Stop calling me that." She frowned. "I'm not your master. I don't own you. I am your zissiri. Your friend."

{Friend?} The dragon cocked its head, ears flattening.

Lars came forth, bending to inspect the injury. "The bite mark isn't very deep, and no main arteries were severed. She'll be fine."

{See? Just a scratch.}

Xue Long's intelligent eyes studied Lars and he returned the favour. Clearing his throat, Lars remarked. "Thank you for helping us."

The dragon chuffed. {Friend. Welcome.}

Lars was startled when it leaned closer. Up close, he could see the rainbow shimmering on its scales. It wasn't just white after all.

A smile curved Eira's lips. "Xue Long says that you're welcome, and she wants you to pet her."

His expression faltered, earning a snicker from Eira. He wasn't certain what to do. Should he pet her? Should he not?

Making the decision for him, Eira grabbed his hand and placed it on Xue Long's chest. It was…warm. His palm flattened completely, feeling the predator's strong heartbeat.

Eira caught the wonder in his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"I just…expected her to feel…cold," he responded lamely, unable to believe he was touching a predator. Ever since he was captured and trained to be a kill force hunter, Lars only knew how to despise these so-called animals. Back then, his young mind had also blamed the predators for his parents' death. If only they didn't exist, then those who had died, would still be alive. He couldn't remember when he had voluntarily made physical contact with a wild one.

Eira's smile deepened. It seemed Lars was having a moment. She could only take a guess at his thoughts. "Now you know she's as warm blooded as we are. Zissiri. Friend."

Yes, it was. And he had a feeling this dragon would be with them for a long, long time. It seemed the decision was made; he would keep it alive and allow it to be trained like Aeolus. This dragon would now be a part of the team. Getting up to leave, he candidly remarked. "By the way, you lost the bet."

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