
Episode One - Unit Six (Part 1)

Chapter Song Suggestion "The Dawn of Utopia by Defrag"



The savage girl flailed and kicked, cussing in her accented language as the soldiers dumped her beside him. She landed on her bottom, a tumble of shocking red hair obscuring her features. In an undignified grunt, she pulled herself upright and tossed her hair aside, revealing a pair of mesmerizing eyes — a blend of brilliant green and blue, the irises coloured in with faint strokes of ash grey.

"What are you looking at?" she snarled, her lips curled like a feral creature.

He didn't respond, observing her in silence. She seemed younger than him, petite too. Her tan skin foretold that she was a native of this desert land, unlike his snowy paleness. His gaze shifted to the blood stains marring her brown tunic. Was she hurt, or was that someone else's blood? Had her family been killed too?

"Up on your feet!" A soldier cracked his whip on the dirt ridden ground, stirring up a cloud of dust. "Now! Hurry up!"

Knowing better than to disobey, he rose swiftly while the girl struggled in her bound state. He shouldn't care but, he found himself helping her up, releasing her quickly before she decided to bite him. The little savage appeared bewildered for a split second, giving him a glimpse of the scared soul beneath. Little did he know that look would change their fates forever.



The unexpected dream had him bolting upright in bed, his chest heaving at the memory, so vivid he could almost taste it. Perspiration dotted his face and chest, his ragged breath the only echo in the loft. Peeking at the timepiece, he regained his sense of reality. It was four in the morning.

Fuck. He couldn't fall back asleep.

Climbing out of bed, he decided to hit the gym and burn off the tension. Ever since he received the official documentation announcing Eira Ulva's transfer, old guilt surfaced to haunt him. Their separation wasn't anyone's fault, but it bothered him. Once upon a time he had promised to protect her, but he had failed.

He shouldn't have made an impossible promise to a stranger in the first place. They were victims watching each other's backs — both trying to survive. Lars couldn't fathom why the soldiers had separated them — him to Ataxia, the military headquarters and Eira to Skocian base. Years flew by, leading to his current quandary of mixed feelings. He was happy she was alive but, he wasn't sure if he wanted to see her again — the girl who made him feel...too much.

Lars had no solid reason to deny her transfer into his unit, and personal conflicts sure as hell weren't entertained. Military administration would just stare a hole right through him and tell him to suck it up.

Changing into his workout apparel, he stepped onto the automated treadmill and began to run his usual miles before finishing his routine with five hundred push ups, two hundred pull ups and one hundred pumps on the leg extension machine.

After that, he showered quickly, ate his breakfast, and sat behind his desk poring over neglected paperwork. Thus, the life of a kill hunter unit captain if he weren't out on duty or sitting in infinite meetings.

At exactly nine o'clock, someone rapped on his door.

"Enter," he called out, signing off a report.

"The newbie is here, Captain," Florian, Vice-Captain of their unit announced with pulsing excitement. His behaviour reminded Lars of their predator pet, Aeolus when it was time for treats. "The team's ready to meet her." Ocean eyes twinkled. "Am I reading too much into the fact that you're being deliberately late? You hate tardiness."

He levelled Florian a dry look, begrudging the man's teasing. "I was busy." Getting up, he grabbed his coat and slid his arms into the sleeves. "Where is everyone?"

"At the common bay. Colonel Emory's present as well."

Together they descended the winding staircase and turned into a tubular hallway, entering a spacious quarter ideally designed for various kinds of recreational activities. Loitering by the coffee bar, was Koga and Anaelle — their two other members.

And standing in the middle of the bay was Colonel Emory chatting animatedly with a slender young woman — her toned stomach exposed in a cropped tank and a pair of shorts highlighting long, bare legs. Lars noticed a glistening blade strapped to her thigh. What arrested him more was the shocking mass of pink hair braided to her waist. Beside him, Florian released a low, appreciative whistle. "What a babe."

"Ah! Captain Verhelst!" Colonel Emory exclaimed, a wide smile stretching his lips, his imperial moustache following suit. "Allow me to introduce your newest member from Skocia." The Colonel gestured for the young woman to turn. "This is Eira Ulva. She personally requested for the transfer to unit six, so I hope you'll treat her well. I have it on good authority that she is an excelling hunter. You'll have no regrets, Captain."

Lars wasn't listening. Emerald eyes punched him in the solar plexus, and he stared intently, the feeling of old familiarity washing over him. Yet, there was also a sense of newness. Gone were the rounded cheeks, hollowed into a heart-shaped face. Her features were perfect and sharp — a pert nose, high cheekbones and finely arched brows framing expressive eyes. Lips the shade of rose petals curved into a thrilled smile, flashing a row of tiny, white teeth. "Lars!"

He never saw it coming.

Erasing the distance, she threw her arms around him, a cloud of her scent enveloping him — sweet and feminine.

Florian choked in astonishment while Koga and Anaelle exchanged startled glances. No one ever dared to act so familiarly with the Captain. He was known to keep people at arm's length, be it work or pleasure.

Pulling back, Eira met Lars's gaze. "Uma rad ara douh. I missed you. I'm so glad we're finally reunited." With that, she lifted on her toes and captured his mouth in a soft but meaningful kiss.

Lars's eyes widened while his Vice-Captain started coughing for real. Immediately, his hands shot up to push her back, but she was already releasing him. Their gazes locked in silent communication. He was confused by the varying emotions in her uncanny eyes. What was she trying to tell him?

Colonel Emory cleared his throat, breaking the thick silence. "Harrumph! What is the meaning of this? Are you two already acquainted?"

Eira spun around, her hand lingering on Lars's chest. He could feel the burning heat of her palm. "Kraz. Yes. We knew each other as children." Then, understanding dawned in her eyes. "Oh, you meant the kiss. In the Qeath tribe, a kiss is easily bestowed as a greeting for our family members or close friends."

The Colonel appeared skeptical but, he had better things to do than speculate on his subordinates' love life. "Then I shall allow you to get acquainted with your new team. If you have any issues, your Captain will handle them. Once again, I welcome you to Ataxia, Ms. Ulva."

"Kaaqa. Thank you, Colonel Emory," she beamed, watching the Colonel take his leave.

Florian suppressed his burning curiosity. How was the Captain acquainted with this beautiful woman? And that kiss was no simple greeting, he could bet his life on it. Stepping forward, he extended a hand, eager for an introduction. "I'm Florian Denali, Vice-Captain of unit six."

She accepted his hand, pumping enthusiastically. Her eyes crinkled at the corners, imparting uninhibited joy. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Please, call me Eira."

"Florian will do too." He responded in kind before gesturing to the other members. "Baldy over there is Akabashi Koga, our unit samurai and she's Anaelle Rose, our research specialist."

Eira gasped, dashing over to capture Koga's hands, alarming the man. "I am honoured to meet you. Stories of your unparalleled swordsmanship has reached even Skocia and you have many admirers, myself included."

To everyone's amazement, the brash ex-yankee blushed beneath his dark glasses. Koga released a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his nape. "Is that so?" His chest puffed up noticeably. "That's because I was born to wield a sword. In fact, I — Oof!"

Anaelle jabbed her elbow into his side, causing him to bend over in pain. "Nobody wants to hear a dried-out gangster bragging about himself." Folding her arms, she regarded Eira with undisguised hostility. "And how good are you to be accepted into Ataxia? Just because we aren't unit one doesn't mean we are incompetent hunters."

Lars was curious too. His team had the right to question Eira's capabilities. There were over fifty military bases scattered throughout the seven nations, but Ataxia remained as the official headquarters. Only the finest hunters had the privilege to work here and be part of an outstanding unit. Currently, there were only six active units in Ataxia, unit one being the highest of rank.

The fact that Eira had pulled strings to get in placed her in an unfavourable position. Casually, she leaned over the counter, her voice lowered conspicuously. Lars and Florian shifted closer to catch her words.

"Last year's archery tournament you lost to its star champion because you tore your tendon," Eira remarked idly, though her green eyes were alert. "Well, even if you hadn't, I wouldn't have let you destroy my winning streak."

Anaelle frowned, digesting the information, and coming to a conclusion. Instantly, her animosity evaporated. "It's you!" Her jaw unhinged. "No one ever knew your identity, and I always thought you were a man." Leery sky-blue eyes narrowed. "How can I trust that you're telling the truth?"

"Because I don't lie." Eira's gaze flicked to Lars. "And our Captain doesn't tolerate liars."

Lars remained silent, wondering how she knew. Given, it wasn't a secret, but Skocia was a border away.

"Captain, she was the one I was talking about!" Anaelle brimmed with unbridled energy. "The midget who won the archery tournament by a landslide! For five consecutive years, no one could defeat her!"

Lars had never seen Analle this worked up except when she found a new discovery.

"I'm not a midget!" Eira protested in a light growl.

She reminded Florian of a small creature — full of fluff and cuteness — trying to work its way inside a group of large predators. And her cotton candy hair wasn't helping her image at all. He bit back an amused chuckle. What a funny woman.

"Ignore her." Koga pinned a murderous glare on Anaelle. "That damn woman lacks sensitivity. It's why she's called the Ice Princess. You'll have to get used to it."

"If what Anaelle says is true, then we got lucky." Florian wrapped a friendly arm around Eira's shoulders. Lars frowned. "Captain here has been scouting for new recruits, but no one has caught his eye. In fact, we were all handpicked by Lars to join this unit."

That piqued Eira's interest. Anything there was to know about Lars — interested her. Before she could open her mouth to ask, a distinctive siren blared noisily throughout the bay, red lights flashing insistently. "Attention! All hunters to report to docking bay six immediately! I repeat, all hunters to report to docking bay six immediately!"

Heart rattling in her chest, Eira demanded, "What's going on?"

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