
New Samples

'Interesting. Then what makes those kids different from the other Titans?'

Suddenly Shockwave heard a loud booming sound. Looking towards the direction of the sound, shockwave saw the Armored Titan breaking through the inner gate of the city.

'Found a test subject.'

Shockwave got out from the house where he conducted the experiment and started heading towards the Armored Titan. Middle of the way seeing that quite some distance was left to the gate, Shockwave started transforming into a Cybertronian Tank. He also has a second transformation of a Cybertronian Jet but he doesn't want to use these transformations because they release a lot of sounds and attract a lot of attention. Absolutely not good for stealth missions.

(AN: The tank version of his transformation should be the same as that of Megatrons from Revenge of the Fallen, except that Shockwave's cannon hand will on the top of the tank, and the three red objects on Shockwave's back should become a thruster kind of thing in the tank version. In his jet form, he again should look like Megatron's jet form from the first Transformers film except the plane has a large cannon on its underside and has three huge red thrusters on the rear.)

Shockwave started driving towards the gate. When nearly a 100metres away from the gate he released his transformation and started walking towards the gate.


A riot was going on the inner side of the wall. Everyone was pushing each other to get a chance to ride on the boats going to the wall Rose. Suddenly, everyone heard a loud thumping sound. They noticed the sudden panic of the soldiers, but before anyone could comment on it a 15meter tall Titan busted right through the gate on Wall Maria.

Everyone had already discarded any kind of hope for a normal lifestyle after this, seeing that the Titans are now going to be populating the area inside Wall Maria.

But, everyone again started hearing a second thumping sound. But instead of a Titan, this time a "demon" came out from the gate.

An evil appearance, a single red eye, only a single good arm, and an extremely long right arm.

Seeing the "demon" everyone's panic increased even more. They saw as 'it' as started walking towards the previous Titan and was about to rip off its neck with a blade on his right arm but suddenly a second titan jumped on the "demon" tackling it to the ground. The second Titan had the shape of a female but had no skin on its body. Though the demon was shorter than the female titan, it looked more menacing to others.

The demon while being held down on the ground by the female Titan picked his left arm up and grabbed the nape of the Female Titan and then dug his fingers inside the female titan's nape. Immediately the female titan started screaming in pain but didn't release her hold on the demon. Beside the female titan, the previous titan which had armor on its body got up from the ground and started punching the demon. The armored kept on punching the demon but the demon raised his right arm up and pointed it towards the Armored Titan. Then like a cannon, something was ejected from its arm and hit the Armored Titan right on its abdomen. The Armored Titan got lifted off of the ground by the force of the attack and crashed right into the wall.

The demon then grabbed the Female Titan by the the throat and lifted her up. Then the demon casually threw the Female Titan away and got up from the ground and started walking back towards the gate leading into Shiganshina.

(AN: Shockwave easily lifting up the Female Titan can be easily explained. It is said that Titans are already light, and the Female Titan focuses more on speed and versatility than on defence, so she should be even lighter. And Cybertronians can easily lift tons of weight. In Dark of the Moon right before Starcream's death you will see that Starscream EASILY flips a bus. A BUS! And Starscream isn't even that strong, Starscream is more about speed. So you can guess how strong someone like Shockwave will be.)


Shockwave started walking back inside Shiganshina and entered one of the destroyed houses. He then took out a vial of yellow liquid and labelled it as:

"Sample of spinal fluid obtained from Female Titan."

Shockwave was quite satisfied with obtaining that vial but still wanted to conduct more experiments but stopped himself after seeing the black haired male about to turn into the Colossal Titan.

Shockwave believed himself to be extremely strong compared to the Titans but his experience as a researcher told him not to take any unnecessary risks.

(AN: Shockwave's desicion is justified. Firstly, if you have seen Attack on Titan season 3, you all will know how much damage just the transformation of the Colossal Titan can cause. And secondly, Shockwave is first and foremost a scientist and a researcher. And he doesn't acts on feelings like pride. So he felt that he should try increasing his defences before going on a head to head clash with the Colossal Titan.)

He then opened his status and examined the improvement in his Herscherr Core abilities.

[[[Core of Herscherr of Reason(upgraded) Tier 1 S Class]


[Honkai Energy infusion (10% Proficiency):

Passively increases all physical aspects of your body by 2%]

[Herscherr Core (4% proficiency):

Generates 2unit of Honkai Energy every 24hours.

Current energy amount:21units

Warning:Energy units can never be below 5 units(Minimum Body requirement energy) ]

[Creation(4% proficiency):

Cost: Minimum of 1unit required for activation. Cost proportional to mass of created object.(Reduced).]

[Disassemble (0% proficiency):

Cost:Minimum of 5units required for activation. Cost proportional to mass of created object.]]]

Shockwave started going over his growth. Honkai energy infusion has reached 10% proficiency. So it now passively increases all his physical abilities by 2%. So for every 5% increase in proficiency he gets a 1% increase in physical abilities.

His Herscherr Core also improved and now produces 2energy units per day.

His Creation ability also improved but instead of lower activation costs it now requires lower energy to produce something.

Lastly his Proficiency in the overall Herscherr of Reason increased to 4.5%. So, by some calculations 1 percentage of proficiency in each of the sub-skill is equal to 0.25% of the overall percentage.

But his Disassemble ability did not improve, which is natural considering he didn't use this ability at all because of its high energy price.

Now seeing that he has quite some energy saved he thought of trying out the ability. He looked around and found the corpse of a soldier on the road beside the house. He looked towards the gear which was worn by the soldier to increase mobility in cities. He picked up the corpse and separarted the gear from the corpse. He placed the gear on the ground infront of him and activated the ability.

)) Disassemble ((

Immediately, the various components of the gear separated from each other and started floating infront of him.

He looked at his energy reserves and saw only 5 units of energy was used.

'5 units for activation but didn't consume any additional energy for the object. Most probably due to less mass of the target.'

He looked up towards the sky and realised that it was night time right now.

While looking towards the skies, he started making plans for the future.




(AN:Should I make a timeskip after this arc? Because there are no more events in cannon after this and before the second Colossal Titan attack. Except maybe that attack that happened in the background where they say right after Wall Maria was abandoned, they created an expedition army to kill and take back the walls but that whole expedition failed.

Another thing, someone has been commenting about all the grammar mistakes that I've made. I am extremely thankful for pointing out my grammar mistakes as it helps me improve my writing. But, I'm having a problem. Everytime I try to correct my mistakes, I save the writing after correcting the mistakes then I open the comments again, see the mistakes and then try to correct the rest of the mistakes but now that I opened the writing for a second time, my corrections all gets removed and it gets reverted to the original version. Help anyone???

Anyways, Thanks for reading~)

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