
Chapter 9 - The Day/Night Cycle (Verse one piece) Part 1

Author: rabiator

A quirk of his travels through time have made Momonosuke a little 'special' for his age, and soon Nami discovers the transformation he undergoes every night, leading to the busty navigator's own transformation into his personal slut.


"Ah, Momonosuke, you dirty boy! Stop it~" A girlish giggle rang through the air as the Thousand Sunny sailed down a relatively peaceful stretch of the Grand Line. While most of the Strawhat Pirates were keeping themselves busy crewing the ship (for the most part), their navigator Nami, seemed rather distracted in her duties.

This was no doubt due to the fact that the young boy from Wano Country, Momonosuke, had thrown himself at Nami, leaving her littl choice but to catch him in an embrace. Normally this would seem fairly ordinary, given his young age, but as Brook and Sanji watched with a mixture of astonishment and jealousy, Momonosuke shot them a glance. While Nami giggled and covered her mouth with one delicate hand, Momonosuke had cheekily grabbed her large full breasts, squeezing them through her blue bikini top brazenly. 

From that one quick look, Brook and Sanji could tell this was no ordinary case of a child being rambunctious with an older woman and not knowing that his actions were inappropriate. Rather, it was clear Momonosuke was fully aware of what he was doing and took great joy in being able to do something as vulgar as grope Nami's plush, soft breasts right in the middle of the ship. Stranger still, Nami seemed to treat it as some enjoyable, light-hearted game, laughing openly.

"Oh, Momonosuke, you're so bad! Such a naughty child!" Nami said, sounding more encouraging than reprimanding. Despite the vast difference in their size, given that the adult Nami was a good two feet taller than the young Momonosuke, she seemed almost helpless to resist his probing and grasping little hands. Her full-bodied hair swung and danced behind her as she laughed, as though being groped by a small child was one of the most hilarious things she'd ever experienced.

Momonosuke just snickered in response, his face actually hidden from Nami's view as he buried his small head against her smooth, lightly tanned midriff.

"I can't believe she lets him get away with that." Sanji said, glowering. 

"If I tried to grab Nami-chan's chest like that, she'd beat me black and blue!" He said, shaking a fist impotently at Momonosuke. The little boy just stuck his tongue out with almost palpable impudence. 

"I know!" Brook chimed in, his bones gleaming in the bright midday sun. The skeleton was probably the only other person on board who paid as much attention to women's bodies as Sanji, and he felt similar jealousy when watching what Momonosuke could get away with.

"She'd probably poke my eyes out! Not that I have eyes!" He laughed wildly before strolling away. After a few moments of staring at Momonosuke continuing to 'play' with Nami by openly rubbing his hands up and down her body, stroking her thighs and almost drooling over her breasts, Sanji joined him.

Even in the strange life that the Strawhats led, Nami and Momonosuke's interactions were odd indeed. None of the crew was able to explain why she let him get away with all he did-grabbing at her chest, openly smacking her wide ass whenever she walked by in those tight jeans of hers, even sharing her cabin at night, and just openly staring at her like she was the stacked, sex on legs object of his pre-pubescent dreams come true. It was strange enough that a boy his age was even interested in a full-figured woman like Nami.

The explanation went back to the first night Momonosuke had begun travelling with the crew, and first asked to share Nami's room. She'd considered it a little strange at the time, given how large the ship was, but then Momonosuke was just a small boy, he was probably scared to spend the night alone, so she had accepted, especially once she'd initially declined and he hinted he'd probably have more 'fun' staying with Robin instead.

They were getting ready to share the bed together, with Nami thinking to herself that at least she wouldn't have to give up any space, with how small the boy was, when she decided to have a bit of fun. Even then, Nami was aware of how much attention Momonosuke paid to her body, and decided to tease him. If he was mature enough, at his age, to try and take advantage of his childish looks to cop a feel off a grown woman like her, then he deserved a little teasing back, to remind him he was just a kid, after all.

So as Momonosuke clambered aboard the bed, his short legs dangling off the edge as the low light in the room glinted off his tonsured head, Nami decided to have some fun. She waltzed towards the bed, her breasts jiggling in her tight bikini as she shimmied her hips, hair bouncing as she ran one hand across the smooth expanse of her lean stomach.

"Well, Momonosuke, I guess its time for bed. You will be a good boy and stay on your side of the bed, won't you? I wouldn't want you to roll over in the middle of the night and...see something you shouldn't." Nami said, her voice becoming an enticing, slightly husky whisper.

Momonosuke rubbed a hand across the back of his neck, appearing a bit sheepish. 

"Oh, well you're so right, Nami-chan. But I should let you know, I'm a little different at night."

Nami cocked one well-maintained eyebrow at him, intrigued. "Oh~? And just how are you different, Momonosuke? Do you snore or something?"

The boy shook his head, just as the last bits of sunlight dipped past the edge of the horizon, the sunlit sea darkening outside the cabin's windows. 

"No, nothing like that, Nami-chan. I...change."

Momonosuke smiled at Nami, letting his eyes fall shut for a moment, as it usually helped him make the coming transition a bit more bearable. Otherwise the sudden change in height and visual perspective gave him slight vertigo.

There was a sudden shimmer in the room, as Momonsuke's body seemed to distort right before Nami's eyes. While the young man from Wano still didn't fully understand the mechanics of the change, it had happened enough time that he'd gotten used to it mentally. Momonosuke had been born twenty-eight years ago, and due to his mother's use of a Devil Fruit, had traveled forward in time to the present day. While by day, he seemed exactly the same, at night something happened-it might have been a quirk of his mother's Fruit power, or due to the fact that Momo himself had consumed an experimental Devil Fruit, but either way the results were obvious.

In less time than it took Nami to blink, Momonosuke had transformed. He was no longer a short, chubby-cheeked little boy, but rather looked to be a young man perhaps in his mid to late twenties, even his clothes had changed with him though they seemed a bit tighter now. He was taller than Nami, she noticed right away, and though other things about him had changed-his face was thinner, chest and arms lean but lightly muscled, a small hint of stubble on his chin and lips, his eyes still shined with that same youthful enthusiasm.

Nami's jaw dropped, almost comically wide as her eyes bulged in her head as she struggled to make sense of what she was seeing. Even for the well traveled navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates, this was something shocking. Her mouth moved slowly, struggling to form words and only giving voice to disjointed, meaningless syllables.


Momonosuke smiled at her again, seeming every bit as playful as before but more openly confident now, the sureness of an experienced man and not just a cocky child.

"Like I said, Nami-chan," Momonosuke's voice had changed as well, still with his Wano accent, but deeper a rich smooth baritone. His demeanor seemed to suggest that he had finally become the nobleman in action that he was by blood.

"At night things are different. Now, do you understand why I wanted to share a room with you...or should I just leave now and spend the night with Robin instead. Something about her tells me she would know exactly what to do with my new body."

As before, Nami's ego couldn't take even this veiled threat. Her shock and even the brief anger she'd felt at Momonosuke bringing Robin up melted away, turning into a practiced expression of charm. It was easy in this case, because Nami knew exactly how attractive she was to men and how to work it, but also because as an adult Momonosuke was clearly attractive. Well defined but not overly delicate features, athletic but not musclebound, and even his foreign haircut was in some strange way appealing to Nami, exotic and intriguing.

"Oh, now don't be like that, Momonosuke. I'm sure I can think of a few things for us to do together. You know, just to pass the time until the morning...when you'll have a boy's body again?" She asked, trying to create a framework for the new reality she was dealing with.

"Yes, until then. But don't worry, I'm all man now. I can show, if you'd like." Before, Momonosuke had been eager, just itching at the chance to get his hands-literally-on Nami's body, but now he seemed happy to take things slow. Perhaps he, in his own way, was teasing her, trying to draw her out. Well, Nami could play at that game, if he liked.

"Oh, maybe I should think about it." Nami said, putting one index finger at the corner of her plush, lightly painted lips.

"Maybe its better if I see for myself~" The orange-haired woman crawled onto the bed, even as Momonosuke slowly sat down, bringing their faces eye to eye. For a moment, their gazes locked, eyes questioning and searching. Nami still saw what she usually saw when she looked at men: confidence, overweighed by desire, and pure lust behind. Momonosuke only saw the bright brown eyes of his next conquest.

"You just relax, Momonosuke, and I'll take good care of you," Nami breathed, lowering her eyes to his taut stomach and lean oblique muscles. The man from Wano shrugged out of his kimono, even as Nami's slender, larcenous fingers were busy loosening his obi and letting it fall to the floor behind him as his body was fully revealed. 

Nami gasped, her eyes shaking in her head, irises shrink and the whites nearly spilling over. Momonosuke's transformation from youth to adult had been one thing, but this…

"Holy shit! Your cock is the biggest I've ever fucking seen!" Nami's practiced seductress act faltered a bit as she took in the sight of the largest dick she'd ever encountered. Thick, fat, riddled with bulging veins and almost gleaming with a slight sheen of grease and dirt, Momonosuke's manhood was truly something remarkable. Even as Nami reached out to grasp it by the base, her fingers could barely make it halfway around the turgid, throbbing shaft. From his lean pelvis and dark, thick pubic hairs, Momonosuke's dick seemed to stretch on and on, a towering pillar of manhood, almost as long as Nami's entire arm, and far thicker even than her flexed bicep.

"But...don't think that means much to me, Momo." Nami was openly licking her lips at the sight of so much dick, a spear-like protrusion that was more impressive than any of the physical displays of power she'd seen her fellow crew members display, and Nami had seen one hell of a lot.

"After all, you know what they say, the bigger they are, the harder they fall~" Nami leaned forward and her lips stretched wide in an exaggerated blowjob face, spittle connecting her two lips as she kissed at the top of Momonosuke's massive dick tip.

"Mmph, mmphph, mmmm~" Nami moaned and mewled as she practically made out with the enormous dick, one hand slowly cranking up and down the veiny shaft as her tongue circled round and round the massive bellend, dipping into Momonosuke's foreskin. Her nostrils burned at the taste, but Nami couldn't help but gulp the foul dick cheese down, her cheeks turning red at the taste.

"Oh, what a slut you are, Nami! We've barely begun to spend the night together and you're already kissing at my dick like you're in love! But...is that really all you can take?" 

Momonosuke was clearly challenging her, but Nami couldn't help but give in, a weakness of pride that the young man had already seen in her and was very willing to take advantage of. Even while she wanted to yell at him that she wasn't a slut, her mouth began bobbing up and down on his cock, trying to take in a little bit more of the shaft slowly, letting drool and spit leak out of her mouth to better lubricate the massive horse cock. Nami wasn't the kind of girl to just suck a man's dick simply because it was huge (or that was what she told herself), but she felt the need to prove herself to Momo.

Still, even as Nami forced her face downward on his massive cock, her muffled 'gluurks' and 'glahhks' grew louder and louder in the room. She somehow managed to stuff over a foot of Momonosuke's cock into her throat, but that still left quite a bit outside. Nami's eyes grew red as tears ran down her cheeks, as the cat burglar finally encountered something that was simply too big for her to steal away. She ended up simply gagging up and down on what she could fit in her mouth, hands wanking away with an almost furious pace at the rest of Momo's fat dick, pausing now and then to rub at his bulbous, sperm-full balls.

Fortunately (at least for him), Momonosuke wasn't one to wait for others to get acclimated to a new situation. Not when he only had the night to work, so his hands came down to the cups of Nami's bikini, grasping forcefully. With a sudden tug of his fingers, he snapped the already overtaxed material, worn thin from holding back Nami's massive tits, in half. The full, impossibly perky and soft looking porcelain spheres fell out of the broken bikini with an audible bouncing sound, wobbling in the air for a moment.

Without even realizing she was doing it, Nami grabbed her ample breasts and squeezed them together around Momonosuke's shaft, giving him an enthusiastic titufck even as she continued to suck on his fat cock. At first she'd thought only to tease the handsome young man he'd transformed into, but now Nami was beginning to act for his pleasure alone, with little thought to her own. The taste of his cock was inflaming her senses, and Nami was soon moaning and groaning throughout the sordid titfuck. Sweat trickled down her body as her nipples grew hard beneath her fingers, every inch of her plush, firm tits squeezing Momonosuke's massive cock.

His cock is so...hard, it feels like a steel bar between my tits! I didn't even realize men could be this big! And his cock tastes so good, it makes my entire body hot just to taste his dick~!

Nami's moans grew deeper, more base and animalistic as she practically made out with Momonosuke's cocktip, lovingly tracing her tongue around the edges while slurping and kissing noisily. It was far too large for her to take the entire thing, which actually offended her pride a little-Nami was used to getting ahead of people, especially men. She'd always thought she could seduce any man and have them doing as she asked with enough effort, but at that moment, with her thick thighs rubbing together in her jeans and her pussy dripping, she didn't feel nearly as in control as she usually did. And the worst part was, she didn't even mind...something about this handsome, monstrously hung young man was making her think and act in all kinds of new lewd ways.

"Fuck that feels good Nami! I haven't been able to stop staring at your tits since we met! Getting to finally fuck your big fat jugs is amazing!" Momonosuke's comments were lewd, his eyes almost goggling at the giant funbags his cock was plowing in between, but Nami still blushed deeply at his remarks. Something about having him openly lust after her body like this, only caring about her fat tits and ass and what a hot little slut she was, made her actually feel proud as opposed to offended.

"Mmph,, mmph, gllrgl!" They were the only noises Nami could make in response, but she managed to feel them with every ounce of lust and passion she was feeling. Even as Momonosuke's cock hit the back of her throat and then kept going, even as she rocked her fat tits against him, shaking them side to side and then up and down, squeezing him in an almost unbearable tight seal of flesh, it was Nami who seemed like she was enjoying herself most of all. Momonosuke's pre-come was leaking openly into her mouth and Nami mewled at the taste, her eyes slowly shutting.

Something about his dick is soooo amazing! Oh god I can feel my pussy getting wetter every time those fat balls of his smack against my tits! This boy...no this stud...is really something else!

With a sudden groan, Momonosuke pulled backwards, his cocktip only just managing to squeeze past the tight seal of Nami's lips with a loud 'pop!' She almost whined at that, wanting to lick and taste more of his dick, but she tried to wipe that from her face, trying to look seductive and in control and not like some wanton slut. Nami was used to being in control, but something about Momonosuke…

"Ah, Nami-kun! I'm going to...come!" The young man groaned, his hand a blur on his enormous cock as he milked himself off right in front of Nami's beautiful face. His cock stiffened and his balls seemed to swell up beyond their already massive size before his piss-slit dilated, spewing jizz all over Nami's fat, jiggling breasts. 

Spllrt! Spllrt! Splllrt!

"Ahh! Its so hot~!" Nami gasped as rope after thick, clumpy rope of spunk was sprayed onto her huge tits like some creamy lattice. Off-white jets coated her perfect tits, piling up in the tight space between her breasts as Momonosuke jerked his cock furiously, having found the perfect target to empty his balls on with her amazing tits. 

He came...so much! Its like a fountain has burst! Momonosuke really is...amazing~!

Even as Momonosuke's orgasm slowly subsided, leaving Nami's tits completely glazed with his come, Nami's eyes widened in disbelief as she realized that his cock was still hard. With an almost angry-looking reddish tip, he almost looked harder than before. And while Nami was breathing heavily, sweating and nearly on the brink of coming herself without even having her pussy touched, Momonosuke barely seemed winded.

"Well, that wasn't a bad warm up, Nami-chan. Now it's time to get a little more serious." 

Nami felt an involuntary shudder run through her body at those words. Something about Momonsuke's transformation was impossible for her to resist, not just his new impossibly hung body but also his changed personality. He was assertive, more confident and with complete justification, as Nami thought that any man with a cock like this (though there certainly couldn't have been more than one) deserved to get whatever he wanted.

"Ah!" Nami gasped as Momo pushed her gently in the sternum, falling back onto the bed with her tits heaving and bouncing. She looked completely helpless in that moment, his for the taking, and Nami didn't even have the sense of mind to act as though that were on purpose.

Momonsuke lifted Nami's legs up as she squealed, cheeks flushed.

"Ah, Momonuske! You're so...rough~" Nami acted bashful, trying to hold onto her sense of self and not simply give in to Momo's desires. Momonosuke smirked, grabbing Nami's delicate ankles and hoisting them up high, bowing her back and pushing her head and shoulders back against the mattress as her large pillowy, jean-clad ass was held high. He shoved his cock between her thick cheeks, grinding against the clearly darkened crotch of her jeans, separated from her eagerly dripping pussy by only a small margin of fabric.

"If...you keep grinding like that~" Nami's arms thrashed around on the mattress, gripping the sheets and trying to hold on to some semblance of control. She was so close to giving in, but she couldn't just lose everything to this young, arrogant, donkey-dicked...hunk. Could she?

"Oh don't worry Nami. I've got a lot more than grinding in mind." Momonosuke smiled as he snapped the buttons on Nami's jeans, tugging the blue denim off her wide, child-bearing hips. Like the slut she was underneath it all, Nami wasn't wearing any panties, and her bare, glistening wet pussy was on full display, smooth and devoid of hair. 

Momonosuke leaned over her, his hands letting go of her ankles and slowly sliding up her body. Nami looked up at him with only a trace of her usual playfulness, seeming more eager and anticipating, not sure what was going to happen next but welcoming anything Momonosuke wanted to do. His lips darted down and kissed her forcefully, claiming her in the way he'd wanted to since he'd first laid eyes on her.

Nami returned the kiss with her entire body, her legs sliding up to rub against Momonosuke's well-defined body, fingernails tracing down his spine as her hips bucked upwards. In that moment, he could do whatever he wanted with her, and what truly excited Nami about the young man was that she could be positive he would do exactly that.

With a single thrust, Momonosuke pierced the wet entrance of Nami's pussy, sliding into her slowly, deeply. In an almost romantic missionary position, he began to rock back and forth within the busty woman's depths, spreading her wide and stirring her insides up in deep places she'd never been touched before.

Nami gasped, their kiss briefly broken as her body opened for Momo like a blooming flower. "Ah-hahhh~ Momo-chan, you're so deep! I can feel you splitting me open!"

He simply grunted in her ear like the beast he was, his hips crashing down faster and faster. Nami's legs slowly closed around his waist, helping to anchor his giant cock deep in her pussy as his body slapped against hers. Sweat soon ran down both of their bodies as Momonosuke rutted deep inside her, filling the cabin with the lurid sounds of their frenzied, almost manic coupling.

Wham! Wham! Wham!

"Ah Momo-sama, I'm...I'm coming! Ahhhh!" Nami's head swung from side to side on the bed, her eyes rolling up as she became fully lost in pleasure. Momonosuke had barely been fucking her for five minutes and she was already coming shamefully around his cock. Feeling his balls slapping against her wet pussy was driving Nami wild, and her tongue soon hung out of her head. Her beautiful, normally composed face was contorted into a crude, ahegao expression, cheeks flushed, drool sticking to her lips and chin, and looking utterly fucked out of her mind. 

The cat burglar loved every second of it, and even as she felt her self control slipping away, she was as alert as ever, fully aware of every trace of Momo's body against hers, every inch of his massive throbbing cock inside her pussy, reaching all the way from her stretched lips to her packed womb, hitting the back of her baby bag enough to reshape her body completely. She would be useless for any other man after this, and that made her as happy as everything else, for what other man could compare with Momonosuke?

"You're so fucking big! You're amazing, Momo-sama, your cock is filling me up! Ah, god I'm coming againnnn!" 

What had started as a missionary fuck had transformed into a brutal mating press, as Momonosuke only grew faster and rougher with his thrusts. His feet were tense on the bed, legs stiff as he crouched above Nami and dropped down into her dripping cunt. She gasped and moaned with every thrust, her moans coming out in loud, deep-voiced uluations as her mind and body were rocked by overwhelming orgasms, one after the other in an irresistible loop.

Momonsuke looped his arms under Nami's knees, pushing her legs up higher and changing the angle of his dick's penetration inside her. This new angle made him gasp in pleasure as Nami's body seemed to wrap around his dick, even as she gasped and moaned, her fat ass jiggling with every thrust, happy to be his little sex servant. He whispered into her ear, slight exertion in his voice as his enormous cock slammed in and out of her creaming pussy like a drill.

"When this is over, I'll take you back to Wano with me, Nami-chan. You'll be my perfect little concubine, and I'll fuck you every night for hours and hours!"

"Ahh, fuck yes! Fill me up, Momo-sama! I'll be your dirty little slut for the rest of my life! Whatever you want, you can have it, just take my pussy! Take it, take it, take it!"


Nami's face looked truly dick-drunk at that point, fucked out of her senses and becoming a creature of pure lust and base primal need. She'd thought she could tease this man, manipulate him and be in control like she had been with so many others, and now she was little more than a fuck toy for him to squeeze and grasp and fuck and use, whenever and however he wanted. Nami couldn't have been happier.

Slowly, Momonsuke pulled out of Nami's gaping cunt, leaving her gasping and trembling. He lightly grabbed her by the forearms, turning her body easily until she was facing away from him and Momo began to slide his dick in between her plush, fat ass cheeks. Nami took to the task easily, sliding her ass up and down around his cock, her plush booty slapping and clapping around his fat cock.

"I love this dick, Momo-sama~ I love it, I love it, I love it!💗" Nami's face was still twisted into a blissful parody of lust, and it drove her crazy to know she was making her new master happy with her big fat ass. Every time Momonosuke grunted or moaned behind her, it only made Nami jerk him off faster with her ass, hot-dogging that massive dick with her pillowy booty.

"I'm...gonna come, Nami-chan!" Momo grunted and his dick began to unload another enormous orgasm all over Nami's fat ass. It covered her cheeks entirely, his dick spasming as she squeezed and grasped him, milking him like a stallion. Jizz shot up onto the small of her back, thick ropes coating Nami's form and some of them staining her hair, making it lay flat and heavy against her sweaty body. 

"Fuck you've got a big fat ass, Nami! Your butt looks so good jerking my dick off!" 

Nami cooed at that, feeling a dark thrill run through her as Momonosuke used her as nothing more than a jizz-bucket. She was his little fucktoy now and she loved every second of it.

No sooner had Momonosuke's latest, still massive orgasm subsided than he grabbed Nami by the forearms, hoisting her up and pulling her back, using her own body as leverage. His cock surged forward again, piercing inside of her from this new, doggy-style position.

"Ahh!~ Momo-sama, fuck me just like that! Right there, you make me feel so good!💗" Nami's tongue fell out of her mouth again as Momonosuke began to slam into her from behind. From this angle he could go all out showing the busty little navigator no mercy. Her asscheeks soon turned red from his muscled pelvis slamming into her, and his cock was so large inside her Nami felt he was pushing her womb up deeper inside her, nearly bottoming out by her stomach.

"I want you to come inside me, Momonosuke! Please, fill my pussy up, I'm begging you! Ah---ahhh!" Nami moaned and grunted, becoming an animal of pure need as Momonosuke only drilled into her harder and faster. Tasting his jizz, feeling it coat her tits and ass had been amazing, but now she wanted more. She wanted that hot, nasty load to fill her pussy up, knowing exactly what that would mean.

"Breed meeee!" Nami's hands came up to her face, fingers spread as she truly lost her mind, barely able to hold herself up anymore.

"Ah, I'm coming Nami-chan! Get pregnant, you little slut! Your tits and ass are gonna get even fatter once you've got my babies inside you!" Momo grunted and hilted himself inside Nami's cunt, his balls churning as he shot another load deep inside her.

Spllrt! Spllrt! Spllrt!

Nami felt his dick expand, taking every shot inside her grasping, wet, hungry pussy. She barely seemed aware of what was happening anymore, but being used by Momonosuke as his personal breeding toy was driving her mad with pleasure. She gasped and moaned as he pulled out, her face flushed a dark red, her luxurious orange locks sticking to her sweaty forehead.

"Nami, as much as I love your beautiful face and your big fat tits, I also love looking at this big jiggly, perky ass of yours." Momonosuke slapped Nami's fat rump, making her squeal and wiggle her hips for him.

"Ah, you dirty bastard! You fucked me so good I feel like I could barely stand...I won't be able to walk right at all tomorrow."

Nami felt something pressing between her asscheeks again, spreading them wide. Momonosuke was rubbing his dick against her dripping pussy, getting it coated in her juices even as he began to prod at her tiny pink asshole.

"I've just got to have this ass Nami, it's too perfect!"

"Wa-wait, Momo you're too big! You're gonna tear me apa-ahhh!"


With a grunt, Momonosuke speared deep into Nami's ass, spreading her wide as he tunneled into her depths. A slight bulge appeared in Nami's stomach as Momo continued to fuck into her like she was little more than a bitch in heat. Nami could no longer hold herself up, and soon her face was buried in the sheets as Momonosuke railed into her from behind. Only her full, jiggling breasts propped Nami up, and her hair rippled and shook like a blanket as her body was rocked by the powerful thrusts.


Momo leaned over the mewling, constantly orgasming woman, his hands reaching down to grab and fondle her tits. His breath was hot on her ear, as each thrust seemed to erode more and more of Nami's sanity. 

"From now on, Nami, your future belongs to me. You might be a member of the Straw Hats for now, but soon you will be mine, completely. Your big fat ass and perfect, perky tits will belong to me." He squeezed lightly at Nami's nipples to punctuate his words and she gasped, face buried in the sheets as she came. By the time Momo lifted her up, Nami had left tear tracks and her own ruined make up on the white sheets, a clear mark that she had been conquered and defeated simply by the power of Momonosuke's irresistible, overwhelmingly virile cock.

Feeling his own orgasm fast approaching, Momonosuke hefted Nami up, fitting his arms underneath her own, elbows in her armpits. Without even bothering to take his cock out of her demolished, helplessly gaping ass, he was soon holding her in the air. His hands locked together behind her neck as Momonosuke fucked Nami in a brutal standing full nelson position. Her tongue was sticking out of her mouth as Nami's eyes crossed, looking like she'd lost nearly all of her once renowned wits as Momo quite literally fucked her brains out.

"You will bear my children for the rest of your days, Nami-kun. You will be mine, and I will be yours, from now on...forever." Momo said, burying his face in the crook of Nami's neck. She was held aloft like a living trophy, impaled balls deep on his cock even as he began to come deep inside her fucked-open anal cavity. Nami screamed bloody murder, feeling as though her life was at once ending and also starting anew, reborn as Momonosuke's happy, three-hole fucking child-bearing slut. The sound of him emptying his elephant sized balls deep inside her ass was the last thing Nami heard before she passed out, overwhelmed and mind-fucked by the sheer pleasure.

Spllrt! Splllrt! Splllrt!

That had been their first night together and every night since then had gone the same way. Currently, a few weeks after their first encounter, there was only an hour or so left before the sun came up. Momonosuke was relaxing in the bed, which both he and Nami thought of as his, while Nami kneeled before him. Her hair was made up in fashionable ringlets, and she was wearing a matching set of lacy pink panties and a gravity-defying bra, both of which were stained by Momonosuke's stinking, virile sperm.

"Mmmplh, mmm, glllch💗" Nami was happily dutifully sucking on Momonosuke's fat cock, milking the base of his shaft with her heaving tits. She was his now, and only too happy to please him as a subservient comfort woman. Her only regret was that she had to wait until night fell for this to happen, though Momonosuke had assured her that soon his child form would mature into his adult body, his growth accelerated by the unique combination of Devil Fruit powers that he'd been exposed to. 

"Ah, shit that feels good, Nami. But soon, between being pregnant," there was a happy moan at this, as Nami blushed with pleasure to be reminded of her bred status,

"And being the navigator of the ship, you might be a bit busy in the coming months. I think I might have to ask Robin to share our bed from time to time as well." Momonosuke's voice was calm, as though discussing adding another woman to his stable of concubines was as commonplace as talking about the weather.

Nami popped her lips off his dick, spittle still connecting the massive shaft to her plump, bee-stung lips. Her eyes seemed to beam with bright pink hearts.

"Oh yes, master Momonosuke! I'll be happy to help you with that, Robin will make an excellent concubine for you, bearing many children. I'll be sure to teach her all the little things that you like. Would that please you?" She chirped, earnestness pouring from her every word.

Momonosuke nodded, eyes closed in contentment. "Yes, that would do nicely Nami."

The End


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