
Fall of the Titans

With every step, he shook the earth, like a meteor falling the Titan of Strength and Endurance, Atlas charged at his enemies.

The Trinity was surprised by the explosive power of the Titan and had no choice but to move out of his way for Atlas was going to live up to his titles.

Atlas was one of kind. In every Pantheon, there is one such aberration who just oozes nigh unlimited power. The Egyptians have Ra, The Norse have Thor, The Hindus have Shiva, The Shinto have Amaterasu, The Mesopotamians will have Enlil, The Kryptonians have Rao, The Martians have H'ronmeer, and the same trend is seen in every Major Pantheon who emerged from the God Wave.

Despite the Trinity's best efforts the most they could accomplish was not getting crushed by Atlas. It wasn't to suggest that the Gods were weak no, Atlas was just that strong and he kept on growing in power.

Among the Trinity, however, it was Hades who was the one extensively damaging Atlas because despite how strong your physical body is your soul, is a different deal altogether.

But even that wasn't as effective in the long run because in a prolonged battle they would be wiped out first before Atlas' willpower even started taking some critical damage.

— "You children should have fled away while you still had the chance. You have no chance in hell of defeating me!", Atlas proclaimed while plunging his fist through Hades who just turned intangible.

" You seem pretty confident in yourself, don't you? It'll be interesting to see you fall.", Hades snorted as he moved two steps back and bent down placing his hands on the ground.

— "I would sound more convincing if you weren't kneeling and bleeding Ichor.", Atlas indicated as punched Zeus and Poseidon aside. While Hades controlled the shadows and could turn immaterial at will, to Atlas, however, this type of opponent was not new. He had fought his father Ouranos, a Primordial God, he could turn intangible as well. The problem with intangibility is the user will have to turn tangible again to interact with the material. And with Kronos messing around, the openings were rather easy to exploit.

" You still underestimate my capabilities Atlas", saying that Hades used all his power to crack the Earth and open a path to the Underworld.

The pulsation from this occurrence was felt across the battlefield and incurring the attention of all participants as numerous hands started digging out of the crack.

The Hecatonchries had joined the fight and went straight for Atlas.

Behind them were the Cyclopses who were dragging along with them 4 artefacts wrapped by cloth.

— "You couldn't have done that earlier?", Zeus walked towards Hades to acquire his weapon from the Cyclopses.

" How you just shut up.", Hades retorted, quite frustrated by the beating they took and Zeus' hand into leading them to this disadvantageous state. He had to prolong the battle so that the Weapons could be finished.

— "Ok, calm down, and let's that look at those weapons.", Poseidon interjected attempting to keep the situation harmonious.

— " Yes, all you have to do is touch them and they will take form.", Arges respond.

— "Wait a moment, why are there four of them?", Zeus inquired, bewildered.

— " Two of these belong to Lord Hades.", Brontes, the oldest of the Cyclopses replied.

— "And why is that—", Zeus was cut off by Poseidon before he could continue, " Let's just take the weapons and join the fight, or do you enjoy being an open target."

And so the brothers claimed their weapons.

With a massive shockwave, the weapons manifested, massively increasing the potency of their divinities. And thus, the Big Three attained its full potential.

Taking advantage of the distraction provided by the Hecatonchries the Brothers charged towards Kronos but they had to face Hyperion and his children. Hades just passed through them leaving behind Zeus and Poseidon.

— "So the wretched insect returns. Why don't you wait for your brothers or do you think you can win against me?", Kronos unsheathed his scythe.

Hades just stood against the towering tyrant, in his hand was just a cap. He slowly lifted and placed it on his head, " Do I think I can Defeat you? No, I know I can defeat you!"

It was like a lock on Hades soul was shattered. The Emotional Spectrum is a mysterious thing, it is a testament to the Malthusian's scientific prowess that they were capable of making instruments to harness and utilise its power.

It represents every fundamental emotion sentient beings experience.

So it erupted, Fear, of boundless measure. Hades had harnessed the Emotional Spectrum, " Domain Expansion: World Of Eternal Darkness."

Utilising his shadows reinforced with the constructs of Fear, Hades locked himself with Kronos to cut off more factors he could use to manipulate the outcome of the fight.

*Inside the Domain*

— "HOW!! How did you get so powerful!", Kronos screamed out, his eyes were patterned like a clock.

" You looked ahead in time, didn't you? Tell me how many times did you win?", Hades asked calmly, his voice had become distorted and his cap had transformed into a complete Helm with only red light shining out of its eye slits.

Kronos just swung his scythe at him in anger, but Hades just sidestepped, "So I'll take this as 'none'. Then tell me... how many times did you survive?".

— " Aaaa!!!", Kronos just kept on attacking while Hades just kept dodging, "Is dodging all you can you do!! Just stand still and I'll put you out of your MISERY!!

"Thank you for verifying my hypothesis, Titans can't use domains, Gods are inherently superior. And even if you swing that scythe like a maniac it's no use you can't touch me...", saying that Hades just, what it seemed like, warped directly on Kronos' head, "... Chains Of Fear."

From the lightless surrounding, chains emerged shining in a sinister yellow and pierced through Kronos and tied him down.

"It seems I'll prevail. Fate is changing...", Hades jumped from his head and manifested the 'Claws of Hades' and dug them in his shoulders, "... I'll be taking your soul... Cronus."

He pulled on the chains and gradually Cronus' soul started detaching from his body, "AAAAAAAA!!! ATLAS HELP ME!!!", using the last of his strength Cronus cried out for help.


" This is the second time you've interrupted me... Atlas", Hades retrieved his claws, letting Cronus' soul retreat. He prepared to engage the bleeding Titan who had laid out all three Hecatonchries and broke through his domain.

Atlas punched straight at Hades and Hades matched him with his own bring him to a stalemate.

— "How?", Atlas was surprised by this development, but it was momentary, as punched him using his free arm.

But Hades once again stopped it. David had now stopped Goliath in its path. But Atlas would not be denied victory, he put more power using the leverage provided by his size.

He pushed Hades back little by little, Hades, however, used his strength to split his arms outwards making Atlas fall forward. Hades lunged straight ahead narrowly missing his head.

On his way, his claws dug into his shoulders and pulled his soul out of his back while his body fell forwards.

Hades spread his arms out and absorbed Atlas' soul through his Helm. Hades was now in contention to become an aberration.

Snapping out his daze, Hades looked towards the battlefield only to hear Zeus' voice, " I BANISH YOU ALL TO THE DEEPEST PITS OF TARTARUS!!!", he raised, what seemed like a blade and plunged it into the Earth creating a large pull toward the cyclone behind him.

Soon all the Titans were sucked into that vortex, "That blade... it's the blade of Olympus!! What is it doing here and more importantly who made it?? It is a Blade that requires the essence of Heaven and Earth... Gaia!!", Hades quickly turned only to see that Kronos' scythe was no longer there, " Fuck me!!"

And so after 10 years, the Great Titan War had ended. But its effects were not only sensed by other Pantheons. Far away, the ruler of Apokalips now registered Earths location and someday soon begin his journey to Earth.





A/n:- Yo readers how have you been?

So the Titanomachy comes to an end and Gaia once again screws with Hades but he got Atlas' soul so, ups and downs swings and roundabouts. Zeus the pampered privileged child will soon turn out the way we all know him as. I tried to give as much justification for everyone's reasons for turning out the way they did but if miss something, be patient.

Anyway, leave your thoughts, suggestions, criticism, and corrections in the comments. And do leave a review if you like my work, also check out my other stuff.



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