

In my arms I held my first son, Hades, and my boy was the most beautiful thing I had seen and then I blacked out.

When I slowly woke up I only found myself bleeding Ichor. In a frenzy I looked around for my child but I found no signs of him, tears started rolling down her eyes she ran towards Kronos' throne.

"KRONOS!!! WHERE IS MY CHILD YOU DICKLESS BASTARD!!!", Rhea shouted, completely bloodied and crazed to the extreme.

—"RHEA!!! IS THIS HOW YOU ADDRESS YOUR KING!!As for your question, I ate him and imprisoned him within me. He wasn't a Titan... he was something else, a threat to my rule most likely. And I WILL NOT TOLERATE THAT!!!", Kronos answered with a little insanity in his eyes. But the fact that Kronos had eaten his child was now out in the open among the different Titans in attendance.

"So what if he wasn't a Titan, you don't even know if he was a threat he was a child... our child... AND YOU TOOK HIM FROM ME!!! I'LL KILL YO—*SMACK*", Kronos slapped her to the floor.

—"You insolent bitch!! KNOW YOUR PLACE!! I am King of the Titans. You'll kill me?? YOU'LL KILL ME YOU WHORE!!", Kronos grabbed her by the hair and started punching her in face and strangling her as tried to rape her in front of everyone.

Bleeding profusely and having difficulty breathing was the least of Rhea's problem as Kronos started ruthlessly ravaging her and what made it worse was that she kept constantly regenerating and Kronos kept abusing her harder with no remorse for her well being.

The Titans present in Mt. Othrys just looked the other way and left them but the disgust was present on their faces, after all it was still her sister who was being brutalized. However some them stayed and watched them while they pleasured themselves.

But the fact remains no one came to the aid of Rhea that day or since.

The Titans couldn't defy their King, he had killed the Primordial God Uranus, they were nothing in comparison. Her attendents, Kouretes and Dactyls, were loyal to but they couldn't go against Kronos and were helpless.

The only one who could and would go against Kronos was Oceanus but Kronos made sure that information would not reach his ears.

And so Rhea suffered, beaten to a near pulp, her children taken from her time after time. However, something inside her constantly "healed" and comforted her, the energy residue reminded her of the black energy beam she came in contact when Hades was in her womb and it also had a striking resemblance the Hades power signature as well.

She cried not in pain but joy for the first time. She who had failed her baby still helped her survive the Beast's fury and wrath.

This gave her a bout of confidence and determination to free her children and not let her soon to be born child go in Kronos' clutches. So she called on to one last person who could help her, Gaia.

And Gaia answered her prayers. She couldn't directly intervene as she was one of the first two Primordial Gods who came before everyone and are thus part of every Pantheon, though her name may differ. And as way to show her neutrality, she along with Chaos made a pact with every Pantheon to never directly intervene in their affairs.

Though that did not stop Gaia from scheming and exploiting loopholes. She had helped Cronus overthrow his father so as to free her children from Tartarus but Cronus failed to deliver.

So see an opportunity to free both her and Rhea's children she concocted another scheme. She made sure that Oceanus now knew of what had happened on Mt. Othrys at such a time that it coincides with the birth of Rhea's child and switch it.

Even for all the paranoia Kronos has he won't have the time to inspect the baby when a war is on the horizon.

She would then raise the child on an island turning him into weapon to overthrow Cronus.

And what Gaia planed came to pass exactly as she wanted. Oceanus flipped out and marched on to Mt. Othrys. However, his decision of declaring war was a hasty one, even though Oceanus had near millions in numbers they weren't a match against Kronos and his Titans not mention the Scythe.

Oceanus lost the battle and also lost on of his Oceanid named Philyra, who Kronos then proceed to rape in order to insult his brother further.

But the result of war mattered not Gaia and Rhea, their scheme had worked.

And so Zeus was sent to cave in Mt. Ida, where he was nursed by the nymph Amalthaea and guarded by Rhea's attendents Kouretes and Dactyls, who clashed there swords to disguise the babies cries.

At the same time Gaia married her son Pontus, the Primordial God of sea who had also become a concept, and gave birth to Nereus, Thaumas, Phorcys, Ceto and Eurybia as a means to strengthen Zeus war potential by increasing his allies not only number but also quality. And her children did not disappoint, not only were them strong but also very fertile thus increasing manpower 50 fold.

Once Zeus reached adulthood, Gaia had him and Metis, Oceanus' daughter who had concocted the laxative that could make Kronos vomit his intestines out, infiltrate Mt. Othrys with the help of Rhea.

They succeeded with great difficulty as Kronos was one paranoid bastard but at the end of the day he was just a person who gave in to his desires and indulged in them, a bad trait in a person especially a leader and King. But who could possibly caution the Gods and Titan against such temptations they had no precedence or references so everything they did was new to them.

Metis finally smuggled the laxative in Kronos' drink while Zeus distracted him with his performance. And out came all the Gods and Goddesses he had imprisoned within him. Zeus turned into a giant eagle and they all escaped from Mount Othrys unharmed and met up with Rhea who was waiting for them alongside Gaia.


A/n:- Yo peeps!! New chapter out.

So I decided on going through with the Titanomachy but I plan to do it in more of a Highlight/ summary fashion.

Anyways do leave some reviews if you like the novel, leave any suggestions or criticism in the comments.


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