


Waking up naked was not an unusual thing for me. In my past life I have often slept without clothes so I am partially used to this. Of course, since I found myself in a different world, and magical no less, I had basically been prevented from enjoying my bare skin on the linen sheets I used to wear. Now, however, waking up naked and finding a clear green sky in place of the daily blue... pink clouds were floating lazily across the sky and the shifting shapes brought me strange calm.

I understand you now Shilamaru... from now on I will also be a fan of clouds and envy them in my spare time.

It wasn't like I didn't know what had happened. Nothing like this. I knew where I was and how I ended up like this... There was no such common doubt about being in a dream, even though having a prepubescent girl's soft hands around my cock is both problematic and quite satisfying at the same time.

Anyway, my situation wasn't too confusing. Occlumency helps a lot with any kind of mental confusion, see... once when I was 6 years old, I accidentally drank a magic potion that Grandpa was creating for the purpose of numbing himself. This was supposed to replace the old man's precious firewhisky, but he had already given up and abandoned the idea. Unfortunately he didn't discard the liquid, but poured it into a glass that I decisively picked up as wine.

Yes, I was rebellious with the whole situation being a kid and drinking wine could give me a little more necessary psychological comfort... But it turned out that I put myself in a high situation even more sinister than any joint. I saw a lot of weird psychedelic things and spent the day connecting with my inner Luna and talking about random comic book stuff.

If logic tells me anything about occlumency, no matter what medium you use to get high, memories would never be blocked. So yeah, I remembered everything.

It also didn't help that my newly blessed magic core had basically boosted my mind arts by at least 2 levels. If before I was an oclumen grandmaster now I was an oclumen demigod. I pity anyone who tries to invade this beautiful mind that makes up my beautiful self.

I feel a bit narcissistic since I woke up... curious.

Anyway, my memories of the entire previous fiasco were fresh. I physically attacked Aunt Andromeda and Uncle Ted. I tried to attack the girls. I acted like a weird animal and got abused by two 11 year old brats. Gods, my life was complicated. At least I didn't use magic against them and only physically hurt them. I fear the worst if I used Shinra Tensei or Bansho Ten'in on both adults.

Either way, I need to take inventory of my current situation... my bloodline has awakened and my eye powers have turned out to be more frightening than I imagined. Not that I had any doubt that it would be like that, after all it was my request after all. I would be OP.

How would a handsome young man like me choose to be less than magnificent?

Okay, psych review alert. I need to understand the changes in my personality soon. Maybe I spend some time reshaping my mental space. But back to my visual powers...I could see magic now, constantly...couldn't erase or diminish my senses. Interestingly, my brain didn't get overwhelmed by it. My expected abilities came naturally now and I could use all 6 possible paths of sage and pain... my "manna tenseigan" basically created a cape of light green flames around me if I activated this mode, but the most OP ability it was still my super improved Kamui.

That dimension was now practically a small, circular-shaped world. I felt the connection to the dimension and its laws could basically be manipulated by me as if I were a god.

On the other hand, my appendages... I knew they were only exposed by activating my 'modes'. The way with the horns and tail can be considered my incubus form. I had a human form to go with it and wished my magic would activate it. Almost instantly my horns disappeared and my tail merged like an S-shaped tattoo on my back.

The good part was that there was no need to continue channeling magic to maintain that form. My shapeshifting was an ability that constantly used magic to maintain the transformation so knowing my forms didn't cost that much was good…I could always lose concentration and reveal things that shouldn't be revealed to strangers by accident.

I wonder how Nymphadora handled this every day. The tomboy girl cape with pink mohawk hair shouldn't be easy to maintain...

Come to think of it, I never saw her true appearance.

Well nothing to do about it anyway. I must also think of a name for my doujutsu. After all it wasn't just a mere Rinnegan or Tenseigan,but a more efficient fusion of the two, not to mention my Kamui dimension. Hmm... Maybe *Magan* is a good name. I'm an inccubus, basically a demon anyway, so *Magan* is adequate...thinking about it, my eyes are a bit reminiscent of the mystical eyes of death perception... But so far, the starry shape of my pupil too resembles the eye of Satoru Gojo.

Anyway, I have more immediate matters to deal with now with a certain kinky double.

"You can stop pretending you're sleeping now." I spoke hoarsely. I was still finding it difficult to get used to the changes in my body.

"Are you upset?" Karine asked with a low murmur. She wasn't looking me in the eye and Aarine was silently looking down too.

"Yes. I'm upset... But I don't know how to punish you for it now." I spoke rudely. "I said they shouldn't go over that limit."

"We know…" Aarine said softly. "But we don't agree with that."

OK? What was that now? She was never so… what would be the word… defiant? Well, I'm surprised by that, but I'm not unhappy. At least she wouldn't be an inflatable doll that just obeys without question…maybe I'm being too hopeful. She only challenged now because it had to do with my body being molested by the two sisters.

"What you mean?" I was curious about what she had to say... so I asked. It wasn't like that would change my stance.

"I don't know why you reject our advances. You said we would be your wives. That we would stay with you. But you always push us away. I do not understand. I don't like it when I can't touch him. I don't like it when I can't kiss your mouth... or caress you. And you just allow things that you allow everyone else to do. Lady Andromeda... She touches you like that too. Even Nymphadora. We are your servants, I know that, the magic that binds our lives to yours doesn't let you forget, but you wish we were more than that... But still, but still..."

Okay? That was... something. She was saving a lot, wasn't she? Karine didn't stop her sister from talking too so I believe she agrees with what was said. These two sisters are really something, but what can I say? They are little girls. Even rationalizing I couldn't accept tainting the two girls until they were at least fully fledged teenagers. But it seems that blocking some of your desires wasn't the smartest method.

I sighed. What do I do with them now?

"You don't have to do anything, honey." Karine said and wrapped her arms around my neck. I was still naked but it didn't bother me too much so I just looked at her and waited for her to continue talking. "Aarine and I love you. It's hard to deal with that. You are very attractive to us, you know? Your scent is very... addictive. We want you..."

"I... I think I can understand..."

"It can not. Our Allure isn't very effective on you after all." She sighs. "You are strong and handsome. You smell good. Your body is pretty. His...penis...he...is..."

"Perfect." The older sister completed.

"Yes, perfect." Now this was very close to obsession.

Although I can agree with her opinion about my dick. He really was perfect. But I'm all perfect so nothing to say about it.

Dammit, my narcissism struck again.

"We know our feelings are stronger than yours. I don't doubt you love me." She said interrupting my argument to leave. "But you can't deny that we give more to this relationship than you do. We are not asking you to change."

"She's right, Pietro. These things she does…this reluctance to touch us as we touch you…it makes you even more attractive." Aarine said. "We don't know if you're worried or doubting what you feel..."

"You are wrong." I interrupted the two girls.

"Like this?"

"You are wrong. I have no doubt what I feel." I spoke. Was necessary? No. But it would be better to get it all out now. Not my reincarnation. I wouldn't be such an idiot. This was a secret that would take into the next life if it depended on me. But my feelings would be expressed. "I don't love you, I admit it. I don't understand romantic love yet. I've never loved anyone before after all, but I want you both. I desire your bodies. I crave your mouths and crave your scents. In my confused haze yesterday all I thought to do was claim their bodies as mine. I thought about tagging them and fucking them without breaks for days..."


"Then nothing." I exclaimed. "I want you. I have no doubts about that and will not allow you to leave after doing this. But you are 11 year old girls. Veela or not, they're still cute 11-year-old girls. To do that would be... would be..."

"You're even younger than us." Aarine argued.

"I know…But…I…" Shit I was losing the argument. "I want more than just fucking you like this." Maybe it works. "I I want more from you than your bodies. I want to learn more about you. In these years we've lived together... What do you know about me? Tell me what you know about my tastes. My dreams. My plans…tell me." I asked with a bit of desperation.

"You are malicious." Aarine said before her sister. "There is no goodness in you. At least not with people who aren't close. You don't care about the life and death of people you don't know, and you wouldn't help someone without knowing that helping would bring them something."

"You don't like being manipulated either." Karine complements. "Using Allure with you showed that to us the first time. He also has a distaste for vegetables in general, but even greater horror of turnips..."

The two went with what was said and a smile came over me thinking about what they said.

"You want to create chaos wherever you are." Karine continued. "No matter the method…it scares you a little, but there's no negativity in you. Malice, yes... a little cruelty too... But there is no desire to really harm. You also care about those close to you more than you let on. Even when you don't spend enough time with them."

"You love muggle sweets and snacks." Aarine takes over. "You also like your gadgets and golems... You like money too. Everybody likes. But you're more greedy than the Goblins..."


"Admit it... Even when you don't have expenses other than raw materials you'll still say the opposite just to earn as much as possible..." Karine laughed as she argued. Damn it. I can't counter that.

"You love movies and books... You also have this acting cool thing."

"Don't forget the cuteness with toys." Aarine remembers.

"They are collectibles. Not toys. You girls don't understand anything." I said sulkily.

"Sure. Sure."

"But now do you understand?" I asked for their confusion.

"Understand what?"

"I don't know anything about you." I admitted it to my own shame. "I know basic things like your story and your fanaticism for my delicious body…" I said narcissistically. "But other than that, but nothing. I don't know what your favorite foods are. I don't know about the preferred colors from both of you. Nothing about your hobbies or about your dreams and goals. I don't know anything but your name and the fact that we're connected to each other hasn't fixed that. You have never asked me for anything since we met. It's always me... and then I think of you... and all I see is emptiness... and shame. You are right when you say you give too much of yourself in this relationship. I can't dispute that... But you don't even help mitigate it... It doesn't help when all we do when we're together is training and make-out sessions." I spoke and looked at them urging them to find a flaw in my argument.



"We started this relationship in the strangest way. We didn't trust each other before and when we could have sorted it out, you decided to be my possession." She said with a bitter smile. "I honestly don't hate this. Knowing that you belong to me is quite satisfying…I could live with that." I smiled sweetly at them. "But I can not. I do not want. And I'm not going to take advantage of this bond like that."

The silence that followed was very helpful to me. While they thought about what I was saying, I got out of the pink cloud we slept in and conjured up clothes to wear. It's always better to be in my clothes when I'm alone with them... It's also better to be in a dimension with more living people nearby. I also thought about what I said. And my hypocrisy surprised me, but not just that. The truth of my speech surprised me. Of course, if they were, say, 3 years older... There was no doubt that I would be burying myself in their soft caves. Just thinking about it made my dick twitch. It was stupid and dishonest not to admit it. But my discomfort was real.

My life has never been normal, I realized that when I was reborn here. My personality, my habits, my entire past life was very strange. Almost robotic. As if an important piece of me is missing. However, in my past life, many things that would be common here were a kind of taboo for me. Pedophilia, for example... slavery, blackmail, rape... all these were things I didn't like and would not be replicated by me. They were my reverse scale.

I was not against torture (as long as they are adults) or against murder. I often pictured myself with a Death Note during my teenage years... I didn't restrict myself when it came to killing... especially if killing meant protecting those I love and my livelihood. I wouldn't hesitate. Nor was he against abortion. So what if there was a life forming in the womb? Did this life pay rent? Did your existence serve any plan? Did the person who was carrying this new life want to be responsible for carrying it? Honestly forcing a person to give birth to a child just to treat that newborn child as a burden, abandonment, or worse, was not very human in my opinion. Betterthat the child was not even born.

Of course, coming out of my ramblings. I realized that despite my taboos and fears...if I could fuck them without these impediments, I would. No doubt. But the annoyance of not knowing them properly would be affecting me in the same way. So it wasn't a lie. Everything I said was a lame excuse, but I actually felt the way I said I did.

"What should we do then?" Karine asked and her older sister looked at me with questioning eyes.

"We can get to know each other better." I said. "We will have time at school. We can have dates and have picnics by the lake... and talk."

"This is a good idea." Aarine nodded.

"We can walk hand in hand and look at the stars…" Karine sounded dreamy to my amusement.

"We have a little romantic being born here, don't we?" I smiled at her. Yes, this life was good.

"It's going to be fun spending time with my dear... even being in the same room is good..."

"Can we sleep in the same room at Hogwarts?"

"Oh shit?!" I yelled.

"What happened?"

"I just remembered that my bloodline flame destroyed all my materials…my special golems…my trees and herbs…my cattle…shit…my entire dimension was zeroed. My newly created gadgets were all destroyed. The MP3, the headphones, the speakers... it's all gone."

"Calm down, we can reset everything, okay? We still have a lot of time." Karine tried to comfort me.

"But I'm going to have to spend money buying it all over again. And redoing all the gadgets…and all my music collection that I put out of my mind…At least I have a backup in one of the production golems…" I pouted at them and got silent stares. They will never understand after all. Only I knew how much waste can be uncomfortable.

"That... I don't know what to say."

"My dear is petty? I did not know. He spent so much to create the WizPhones..."

"I think he was just investing instead of spending. Looks like we learned something new about Pietro today."

"Okay, enough of you two. Don't just stand there taking it out on me."

"But honey, you shouldn't care about that. It's just us learning about You. Let's learn more about embarrassing things about You and talk about it between us."

"Yes I agree."

"Aaah… enough, let's go to Diagon Alley. We need to renew my supplies. I also have to go to a Muggle supermarket... and send Memphis to some Muggle farms to steal... uh... uh... buy some oxen and cows to feed Yulong." I almost surrendered.

They stared at me almost in disbelief and I smiled cutely. I was happy to see them blushing as they should. This young master still has a lot of juice when it comes to shamelessness. Hehehe... oh, I should call Grandpa... I still hadn't found a way to free him but it shouldn't be difficult... we'll plan that later.

"Let's go shopping."

And to thefts... Hehehe.

Next chapter