
Mining incident

It has been two weeks since the last incident happened. I would have never known that the video of me stopping the criminals would have went viral.

The past two weeks it has been pretty relaxing me and riolu have been training. He was went up by four levels.

Riolu, Fighting type, height:0.74, Weight: 44.5 lbs

Aptitude: 6-star

Status:Lvl 19

Ability:aura sphere, force palm, blaze kick, ice punch, quick attack

Comprehensive battle strength:rookie

Riolu has made great improvements in strength. Now he is just one step away from second tier. One more battle and he should be ready to advance.

Checking my Instagram I found out I have finally received a reply for one of the pokemon I requested. Checking it out some girl by the the name of Stacy galaf answered.

Looking through her background it seemed that her family owned a local mining company and has been finding many ground pokemon. They have recently been rising up do to them finding many rare ores through the use of their pokemon.

I messaged her back asking for a place to meet up. Waiting for about 5 mins she replied back. Telling me to meet her at her family mine.

Logging off of Instagram I hopped in my car and made my way to the galaf mine. I could see many geodude, graveler and even onix working with workers as they tunneled through the earth.

After waiting for a few mins Stacy finally made her appearance. Looking at her she seemed as quite the athletic type it must be from all the work in the mine she does.

Wiping the sweat from her head Stacy began to introduce herself to me.

Stacy:Hi kj I'm Stacy the current heir of the galaf family. I recently found your post about the pokemon you was searching for.

"That's great would you mind telling me where the pokemon is at. I will make sure to compensate you for your actions."

Stacy:Don't worry I will lead you there. But I don't want your pay I want something that will benefit both of us more.

Listening closely I waited for Stacy to finish talking.

Stacy:I wish for both of our families to have a mutual benefit. If your family can supply the galaf family with pokeballs we will compensate you by working directly under the Reid family.

Thinking of the pros and cons to the situation. I debated for a few minutes until finally coming to a decision.

"Sure Stacy I find this as a fitting deal that will benefit both of our families. I looked forward to cooperating with you."

"But first let's focus on the task at hand then work out the deal later."

Stacy:Sure follow me the pokemon you are looking for is actually causing a disturbance in our mining field.

Stacy lead me to a elevator as we descended down the mine. After a few minutes we arrived.

We walked through a few tunnels as we arrived to a giant ore room. What surprised me was that inside was a shiny beldum.

Stacy:You see this pokemon has been blocking off this large ore room. Anytime someone would get close a barrier would block anyone from entering.

We even tried to battle the pokemon but to no avail as we were all swiftly defeated.

"Hmm it seems like this will be quite a tuff battle. But riolu should have no trouble."

Throwing out a pokeball I released a riolu as he prepared to fight beldum.

Battle start

Riolu let's start things off use aura sphere. A pure ball of aura was sent beldum way.

Beldum seeing the oncoming attack let out a huge burst of psychic energy. Controlling the aura sphere beldum sent it flying back.

Dodge a rush forward with quick attack. White energy surrounded riolu as it rushed forward dodging the aura sphere and striking beldum.

Beldum took damage but was still standing strong. Beldum angered by the attack let out a strong burst of psychic energy as it rushed forward striking riolu.

Riolu was sent flying back.

Calling out to riolu I saw that he was still okay. I was right this would be a tough battle. Most beldum don't even have a strong psychic energy like this until evolving.

But this beldum seems to be very talented in psychic energy. I can't afford to play around.

Riolu rush forward and use blaze kick. Riolu foot was surrounded by fire as he leapt and struck beldum sending into the ground.

Beldum floated shackingky as it rose up slowly. Beldum eyes took on a blue hue as it began to release the last of its energy.

A powerful psychic energy began to build up as it pressed on the surrounding area and the cave began to shake a little. Rioulu began to feel pressure on its body but was determine not to give up.

Pushing against the psychic force riolu fought back. Deciding enough was enough I called out the move that me and riolu have been working on for the past two weeks.

I call it 0 degree flames. It is combing the force of flames and ice into one. The move is not fully complete to where I want it to be but it still will do the job.

Riolu produced fire on his fist as it blazed ready to burn down anything in its past. But that just wasn't it the flame was then encased in a everlasting feeling of ice that felt as it could freeze anything.

Giving out a battle cry riolu broke through the pressure of the psychic force and rushed forward with great speeds striking beldum. Leaving beldum frozen in flaming ice.

Stacy was amazed at the scene she saw. She never expected that you could develop pokemon moves to this degree.

Battle end

With that I threw a pokeball at beldum. Finally acquiring the second member of my team.

Beldum, Steel/Psychic type, height:0.6m weight: 209.4lbs

Aptitude: 7-star

Status:Lvl 15


Comprehensive battle strength:rookie

This beldum is very strong but it's moveset is the problem. If it wasn't for beldum limited moveset it would have been a much closer battle.

After acquiring beldum I went back with Stacy to work out the deal with our lawyers as we signed the deal. The galaf family will now work under the Reid family and we will supply them with pokeballs.

On my way back home I thought about how great of a deal this is. With the galaf family joining us we can secure many ores.

And through our support they can rise and become one of the biggest families. If it happens to be fossils, runes and mega stones in this world we will make a even huger profit that far out ways us selling them pokeballs.

Next chapter