
A Kiss With A King

Aisha felt like her heart literally stopped beating at that very moment. Her wide copper eyes blinked rapidly as she stared at his slightly opened sensual mouth, ready to devour her as soon as she said yes. She knew her cheeks were redder than ripe cherries.

The King of Gaea was asking for her permission to kiss him!

"Oh, my, gosh," Aisha drawled to herself. She wanted to scream a bold and loud YES. The most attractive male physique on the planet. Just one peck would send anyone to heaven! It wouldn't be so bad to feel a pleasurable moment a few seconds before she dies.

King Leandro and her were still both in the woods. He was about to kill her when he offered to grant her final wish, though he wasn't actually aware of what it was.

Her last wish was to be loved sincerely. She knew two people kissing doesn't mean that they already love one another. But it could be a start.

"Maybe, I'm not really sure. But we can try. It must not be so bad. Or -" she rattled on, trying to release her nervousness from the King's dominating presence.

But she hadn't even finished her sentence when, for a fraction of a second, she felt the King's soft and warm lips on hers.

At first, she tried to fight it off. "Why would he kiss me when he was clearly intending to kill me? Or he has really no intentions to kill me but make me his Chosen One? His breeding machine?"

Her muscles froze as she thought about it. But his warm lips seemed to be thawing her inhibitions away.

At that moment, all her doubts and the painful memories that she had just seen in the Lake Visum slowly lifted and were quickly replaced by unknown blissful emotions.

"Maybe I could think about it again later?" She concluded.

Then she closed her eyes as she focused on the melting sensation that the King's lips were doing to her.

At first, his champagne-wet lips moistened hers as he slowly nibbled it. Like a delicious dessert that he wanted to savor every bite. Then they started to get deeper, his silky skillful tongue started exploring her submissive mouth.

He was so adept that she just opened her mouth wider to accept his invasion of her privacy. Her knees went weak at what he was doing and she almost fell down on the ground.

Even with his burning passion, he was still caring enough to catch her back and slowly lay her on the grass, without his lips leaving hers.

Now she was lying on the ground, parallel with the clear blue sky, with a King who was passionately expressing his manly emotions for her. What else could she want at that moment?

She was about to close her eyes again when both of them heard something that made them stop from what they were doing.

"Who's that?" King Leandro growled as he raised his sword.

Then he immediately pointed the edge of the sword to something on the ground. It was a fish, the size of a Crappie. It seemed to be dead.

"Is that a Nagae? Why did it fly here?" Aisha curiously asked as she went on her knees and drew near it. It looked like an ordinary fish to her.

Just then, something seemed to splash in the water. It quickly disappeared, but Aisha's eyes were quick to see a large sparkling blue tail diving into the water.

"It seems that someone wants you to be fed rather than be eaten by me. I don't know if I would thank her for fulfilling my original purpose. Or punish her for disturbing us," he answered her with a hint of amusement.

He extended his hand and offered it to her.

Aisha felt her face throbbed in embarrassment. But she immediately grabbed it and stood up.

She was still in the heavens from the euphoric kisses of the King. But she shook her head, so she could concentrate on what he just said.

"So we are here because you want to feed me? I really thought you're going to kill me, your Majesty," she continued to babble on. "I knew you lost something there with Lord Lycano because of me. I'm sorry."

It must have made an impact on the King, as his face grew dim. He paused for a few seconds. But then he continued to prepare the fish and grill it.

There was complete silence, one could only hear the crackling of the wooden sticks as the fire burned them.

Aisha decided to shut her mouth as she regretted opening the topic when the King was obviously thrilled by their kiss just a few moments ago.

"Here, eat this," The King said in a deep, resonant voice as he gave her the fish.

Aisha quickly received it as she was really starving. "Thank you, your Majesty. You are most kind."

She continued to munch on the fish but kept a wary eye on the King. He was just there watching her eat. She has no idea what was going on in his mind.

"Is he really just naturally nice? Or does he have an agenda why he is being this way to me? Is this because he needs my womb?" She contemplated, as she recalled that she doesn't really have good people in her life that have treated her nicely just because.

As soon as she was finished, she quickly asked what's bothering her. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you being so nice to me?"

Her heart thumped in her chest as she awaited his answer. She hoped that it was not what she expected.

But to prolong her curiosity, the King just stood up and said to her. "I will give you my answer once we get back to the Castle."

Seeing that the King had already made up her mind, she followed him when he went back to the Dracus. She was glad that he kept her alive anyway,

His nearness to her awoke her senses back when they were kissing a while ago. It was one of the most pleasurable experiences she has felt with a man.

If this was a different scenario, she could have asked for it again. But she also wanted to know if this King was just playing her or what.

She allowed him to take her back to the Castle, where she tried to escape previously.

As soon as they landed, he immediately brought her to a different Chamber. One that is bigger and more luxurious.

Rosalia was also there and bowed down to her.

The King was about to leave her in the room. But before he left, he gave her his answer, which astounded the life out of her.

"You will be my wife, my lady," he bowed down to her, kissed the back of her hand, and left the room, leaving a bedazzled Aisha behind.


"One day you will kiss a man you can't breathe without, and find that breath is of little consequence."

― Karen Marie Moning, Bloodfever

Hello, I'm back! :D Finally getting better. Hopefully, I'll be able to produce consistent updates again. Thanks for waiting! :D

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They're still new. But I want to be reachable to you guys. Thanks for the love! Keep safe always! :*

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