

"Good evening, my lady," Lord Emilio bowed down to Aisha, distracting her from her thoughts.

Aisha quickly swiveled back to face the person who spoke behind her back. As she did so, her dainty hand flew to cup her jaw-dropped mouth.

He was one of those beings that she saw in the forest! And now that she saw him up close, she noticed that he looked more human than the rest.

He looked normal from top to toe. He was even ravishing, with his curly blonde that goes to his broad shoulders.

He was also wearing a forest green linen coat lined with expensive sable fur. Everything about him appeared like he was a handsome Lord of some fairy tale kingdom, except that he has a huge set of pearly wings.

King Leandro has already left the Castle with Draco. But before he did so, he entrusted her to Lord Emilio.

He said he needed to be somewhere where she could not come. He has no choice but to leave her behind. The sun has already set, and it would be safer if she stayed inside.

"A-are you an angel?" she curiously asked as she lifted her point finger to touch his wings.

"I have worn a pair of angel wings before in one of my modeling gigs. And they were quite heavy. I almost tripped while walking on the runway," she chuckled to herself, as she tried to calm her nervousness.

Lord Emilio's eyes widened in surprise, perhaps because of her straightforwardness. He immediately looked at the servants. They were still there, awaiting their command.

"Maybe you could call me that," Lord Emilio nodded his head with an awkward smile as he allowed Aisha to touch his wings.

"I am Lord Emilio, at your service. I came from the Nephilus Clan, and I am one of the King's most trusted Watchmen," he bowed down to her again.

"Nephilus Clan? Is it like the Nephilims? The fallen angels from heaven?" Aisha asked with her eyebrows knitted together.

"I heard about it during one of my mythology classes. It's funny now that I remembered it. I wasn't usually listening to my teachers back then," she continued to babble on, releasing the tension she was feeling inside.

At her statement, Lord Emilio's wary eyes darted to the other servants, who were still in a kneeling position at that time.

Now they were starting to look at one another with a questioning look on their faces.

Lord Emilio drew in a deep breath. "Leave us, please. Except you, Rosalia," He ordered them, making them scramble up to their feet and left.

Rosalia went beside Lord Emilio and made a curtsy, "My lord, my lady."

Rosalia appeared like the servants on their knees a while ago. But she looked more human than them.

Her long wavy chestnut hair covered her cat-like ears. In place of her whiskers were cute brown freckles. And she was wearing a long white gown with a moss sleeveless tunic.

"Hello, Rosalia! I'm Aisha," She extended her hand to shake hers. Her face radiating with a warm countenance.

Since high school, she has loved meeting new people. And Rosalia seemed to be a nice person. Though now she didn't know if she was like her friends who were acting nicely but were actually fake, or not.

She was expecting her to reach out and shake her hand. But instead, she bowed to her and kissed her hand, making Aisha chortle.

"You don't have to do that. It's just the three of us here, girl. Come here," She pressed on her shoulders with a gleeful smile on her face and kissed both her cheeks, to the horror of Rosalia.

Her beetle red face turned towards Lord Emilio, who was shaking his head. Rosalia stepped backward, her head still bowed.

"Wait, what did I do wrong? We're just being friendly," Aisha scratched her head in wonder.

Lord Emilio cleared his throat and explained to her. "It is not customary in our land to kiss each other on the cheeks as greetings, especially between nobles and servants, my lady," he said in a kind and concerned voice.

"I would suggest that we stick to our tradition so the Gaeans would not consider you as a threat," He added before stepping backward and bowing her head.

Then he swiveled and pointed his arm to an entryway on their left, which would take her to the Apartment for the Lords and Ladies of the house.

"A threat? What could I possibly do to anyone here?" Aisha replied. But she walked forward to where his hand was pointing.

Lord Emilio walked in front of him while Rosalia was at her back. Both held a torch in their hands.

The entryway took them to narrow stoned stairs along the insides of the walls that led them to her Chamber. The cold wind whistled through the crack in the walls, making her shiver.

Recalling that she was naked under the King's robe, she immediately rubbed herself warm.

Rosalia seemed to quickly notice it as she excused herself, "With your permission, my lord and my lady. I would ask the butler for more wood in the fireplace, so my lady would feel warm."

"Most certainly, Rosalia," Lord Emilio quickly replied.

As soon as Rosalia left, Lord Emilio turned into the right, leading to a hallway with four wooden doors.

He guided her to the largest one. But before she entered, he looked at the left and right before he spoke again.

"You are the first female human that King Leandro allowed within the boundaries of the Castle, my lady. The people here honor traditions. Something that goes against the norms is already a threat to them," He oriented her with a stern look in his eyes.

"But why did King Leandro bring me here? I don't want to cause trouble to anyone," Aisha replied, bothered about what she has learned.

Perhaps he saw the anxiety in her countenance. Lord Emilio's tone shifted to a lighter one as he responded, "Don't worry, my lady. Rosalia will help you learn our culture. I'm sure you will see it to your liking."

"Meaning, I will act prim and proper, all ladylike in front of everybody?" Aisha grumbled as she gazed at her form.

Her parents had already tried molding her. But even they, gave up. She was too free-spirited to be stuck in a closet. It may be the reason why they were displeased with her.

Her face must have continued to reflect the dismay at her unfortunate state under the light of the lamp. Lord Emilio tried another statement to cheer her up.

"Maybe perhaps King Leandro brought you here because he believes you to be The Chosen One," a thin smile edged his lips, probably hoping she would be thrilled about it.

Then he opened the door of her Chamber, inviting her to go inside.

The room looked like a chamber of a princess!

Her eyes lit up as she felt enthralled by the place where she would be staying.

However, she would not let Lord Emilio go without telling her more about her demise.

"Wait, what do you mean by The Chosen One?" Aisha asked before Lord Emilio closed the door.

Her heart pounded in her chest as it sounded too scary for her.

To her dismay, Lord Emilio opted not to tell her by clamping his lips and replied, "It is best to know it from the King himself."

Then he closed the door that separates her Chamber from the other parts of the Castle.


The bird that would soar above the level of traditions and prejudice must have strong wings.

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