
Lost Riches




Warning: Dreamer HP has fallen to less than 10% of Max HP

Warning: Dreamer SP has fallen to less than 10% of Max SP

Warning: The effectiveness of all Potions would be limited to 50%


Aldrich eyed the blinking warnings as the searing heat burned within his body.

Flesh regenerated, the broken bones twisted and turned, and the darkness towards his left side vanished. His left eye reappeared with a popping sound, and he could feel his HP going up by seconds. 

Aldrich remembered what Earl Drago had told him. A single drop of Volcanic-Blood Amplifier potion was enough to heal the most grievous wounds of even a Count. Much less needed to be said about the missing body parts of a mere Viscount. Only this kind of potion could have the potency to heal him entirely even with limited effectiveness.

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