
Vijay's Change of The Hindutva Ideology: Finalizing the Frigate Design

Dakshin Bhartiya Empire, Hampi.

Vijay sat down in the study room and pondered about the Hindutva movement that Veer Savarkar proposed. The Hindutva movement he proposed was aimed at the total reform of Hindu society, attempting to correct all the wrongs in the culture. This loose concept was compiled into an ideology and politicized by Veer Savarkar.

The roots of this reform go back centuries, as Hinduism is not a typical religion but a way of life dictating how people live their day-to-day lives. So, it is challenging to change aspects of life considered wrong within the culture, even if people are aware of these issues. For example, child marriage is recognized as wrong, yet it remains accepted in the culture, persisting even in the 21st century. The silver lining is that child marriages are generally between children themselves, and the rate of such marriages has been declining year by year at a staggering rate, which is positive.

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