
Curious Bang

[A Week Later.]

So it's been about a week. And let's just say things have been quite interesting... Not really. So the whole week I was just mainly practising my Rinnegan abilities since Boros will soon come today. Over the past few days, I managed to get used to some of my eye powers. First is Kamui, the one I was most excited to practice with. This didn't take that long to get used to actually. I can easily activate it at will, just like my Infinity. My Kamui Dimension is just like Obito's, though it's a lot more bigger, like way bigger than I saw in the anime. The second ability that I practised with is Amaterasu. Yes, there was no reason to practice this, you just need aimbot skills in order to use this efficiently. And so I decided to push my time on Blaze Release. Here's where the real thing starts. I can make a shield made up of black flames. Spikes that can ambush you out of nowhere from the ground, which is just Pyrokinesis all over again except with Black flames... Mind you that my blue flames are WAY off the charts than Amaterasu. I think I forgot to mention that but whatever. Though it doesn't have that 'Cannot be extinguished' ability like Amaterasu, It's still over the leagues than Amaterasu. You'll see what I mean soon enough. And that's all the things I have been practising since I can't think of anything else to train with, or I was just lazy. I only had a week, after all so I just decided to twinkle about two out of eight of the abilities that I have to work with... Yeah, not a whole lot but at least it's something. I was thinking of doing Susanoo instead of Amaterasu but eh, maybe in the future

And as for the paths. Well, I had Chiaki explain each and every one of those to me as best as she can. I think I'll focus on the paths next. The other abilities left that I haven't touched yet should be pretty easy to use, I hope at least

Camden: "It's time" I said as I grabbed my suit and equipped it right away. Some seconds later I finished putting on my hero suit, I went outside and locked my apartment. It was pretty useless locking the door to my apartment since literally, no one is in City Z except for monsters which I don't know why they would go into my apartment and steal stuff from me. But for hygiene purposes I did. Oh and Genos isn't around since he has been quite busy for the last week, he is quite a hard worker amongst the S-class. I noticed my Katana was a little bit out of place as I adjusted the thing a little bit and headed out towards the old man's Dojo house and probably wait for a Hero Association Staff member to come and tell us to go to the Headquarters so that they could tell us about some prophecy made by a deceased old woman that the world is in danger. Wow, that was a mouthful 'Though I'm going to see Tatsumaki for the first time. Maybe I'll give a good impression to that brat'.

[10 Minutes Later.]

Camden: "Anybody here?" I said as I opened the entrance inside of Bang's Dojo which was located at the top of a mountain back at City Z. I don't know how I didn't notice this place but no matter

Bang: "Ah. You're finally here" I heard Bang's voice as I saw him sitting in the middle of the room waiting for me. I went inside and closed the door behind me as I turned my attention toward the old man

Camden: "So what do you need?" I asked as I started to approach him

Bang: "I invited you here because I want some clarification" He said as I sitted down in front of him

Camden: "Is that so?"

Bang: "Yes, do you not mind that?"

Camden: "Of course, as long as you keep it to yourself" I said, making him surprised as to how I know what he was going to ask me. I smirked

Bang: "Well, a unique person you are, Skywalker" He chuckled lightly after saying my hero name

Camden: "You're laughing at my hero name?" I bluntly asked him as he stopped and looked at me

Bang: "Yes. Your hero name is a pretty 'Interesting' choice to describe yourself" He said with a grin 'Is he making fun of me or something? Oh now this old man is gonna get it'

Camden: "... Anyways. What are we going to do, Silverfang" I said to him as he brought his hands up to massage his temple's

Bang: "How about we have a little spar" He said to me as I was a little surprised at his request. Though I immediately followed up with a sadistic grin that Bang faintly managed to notice

Camden: "Like hand to hand only?"

Bang: "Yes. That's what sparring means after all" He said as he got up and stretched his arms. I also stood up from where I was resting, but suddenly, one single thought ran through my head 'Oh crap, I need to do something real quick'

Camden: "Hey uh, do you happen to have a mirror laying around here by any chance?" I asked him, making Bang raise an eyebrow at my sudden question

Bang: "It's in the back. What are you going to do?"

Camden: "Oh nothing much, I'll just need to see something real quick" I said and went towards the back of the Dojo as Bang looked at me from behind 'He's more than just a B-class nobody... Though I have to see for myself since this is a very interesting person' Bang thought with curiosity building upon his nerves

As I arrive at the back of the Dojo, I spotted a medium size rectangular mirror as I made my way to it 'Come to think of it, Why is there a... Nevermind' I thought as I was now looking at myself through the mirror

Camden: "Hey Chiaki, how do I cast a Genjutsu in my eyes so that no one will see my Rinnegan?"

[Look into your eyes and cast a spell.]

Camden: "A spell?"

[Trust me on this User.]

She said, making me sigh as I activated my Rinnegan and casted a spell to which anybody will only see my normal brown eyes... Is this how you cast Genjutsus in the Naruto verse? Or did Chiaki do something with it again? I don't want to know yet. Anyways, after a while, I felt a tint of energy present within my eyes. Thanks to the Rinnegan, I can see it very clearly through the mirror

Camden: "There. Now I can safely activate my Dojutsu without anyone seeing it. Thanks, Chiaki"

[You're Welcome User!]

She said as I stared at my face for a while before going back to Bang to begin our little 'Spar'... Oh boy

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