
First Year In The One Punch Man World

And soon, months went by until it was exactly a year since I have been reincarnated here in the One Punch Man world

A lot has happened in the past months, well not a lot happened really but overall there were some things that I discovered from living here for a year now

First of all, my strength has increase by alot. Not like Saitama's, but atleast like Puri Puri Prisoner like strength. And that one time I encountered a monster when I was coming back to my apartment after I was finished with my workout. The monster was like I think a cool low level tiger level threat. The monster was a big buffed Minotaur with a hammer, which was pretty strong, at least strong enough for my very first monster encounter. I managed to kill it in less 5 minutes with no difficulty. Yes, you might be thinking how I beat my first ever monster encounter, which was a tiger level in 5 minutes without even trying. Well basically it was slow as shit. It had the power, but the speed is just too slow that anyone could dodge him, and in the first minute of our fight, I noticed it and took advantage of how slow it was and I tried to hit one of his vital points, like his heart, lungs. Any spots that will make him really be disadvantaged in a fight, and I beat him by punching his heart, making a dent on his chest, but a little one as he fell to the ground dead and I was covered in a small spots of his blood

And speaking of monsters. Every now and then, I'll encounter different types of monsters. Which I managed to defeat them all, and from those fights. I managed to up my combat skills and techniques, just kidding. It was just some random bullshit that got me more experience than anything else, and I know once I get my limiter broken. Moves will be useless, unless I encounter Blast, Garou or God. Good thing I read the manga of the anime quite a bit, not all, but a little bit

Oh and also, I managed to earn a total of 36,000$ this year. In yen, that will equal to about 3,948,660 yen here in Japan currency. And now that monsters are starting to appear more in City Z, most of the people already started to leave, including some people in the building where my apartment was. After they left, my rent was significantly lowered down to the price of basically free, of course, I used my money carefully so that I don't get broke. I bought some ingredients from a still working grocery store and started to cook my own food, I didn't buy some extra clothes since my wardrobe was filled with different clothes that I could wear. Thanks Saitama

And I haven't met King yet, In like the first episode of season 2, there was a flashback were Saitama pre-baldness saved King from a pink like octopus monster. I hope I get to save him, he's one of my favourites in the show and his King Engine is just so cool

Also can't wait to have Genos. I'm pretty lonely for my first year here so Genos would be a perfect roommate! And maybe I'll give him good advice this time, not like what Saitama said to him

I've been also thinking about my hero costume, because Saitama's is not that bad, I've seen worse, but I need a more refined version of that. I'll keep the cape since it will look awesome on me. And other than that, I haven't thought of a good hero costume, hopefully, I managed to think of one before I broke my limiter. And yes, I want my own hero suit

Camden: "Phew! A nice workout has been done" I said as I already was used to my training or exercise regimen. In the first month of doing it, I was really having a hard time. I almost gave up 2 months into it, but after that, I started to feel less exhausted than normal. And now I can do it with just some sweat and some moderate breathing if that makes any sense

As I was making my way back to my apartment, I stumbled upon a manga store, and fortunately, I grabbed some money before I went outside and started working out. I decided to see what manga they sell here, I ignored this for some time now, but I was getting bored so what the heck. Why not

When I entered the store, I immediately saw a lot of mangas on one of many shelves that were present inside of the store. There were some people inside, but mostly teens and it was very understandable. Even though the monsters are starting to invade City Z, they are still some people here

And as I strolled to one of the sections of the store, I found an interesting manga to say the least

Camden: "How to make women feel in heaven" I lowly muttered, creating a small taint of blush in my cheeks when I finished reading the title of the manga. And the cover of it was a pretty woman wearing her swimsuit. I don't know why this kind of manga is in here but hey, It's already here for sale

I looked around me to see if anyone was around. There was none as I opened some pages in the manga and it showed many ways to pleasure a girl, some were even ridiculous that I don't want to even say it

And sometime later after seeing some of the pages inside, I decided to buy it BECAUSE I'm bored, besides, a little bit of naughty manga would help me cure my boredom and not because of one girl with short green hair that I simp for. Now I'm becoming like Saitama, maybe I should buy some games as well

When I arrived back at my apartment, I put my newly bought manga next to my sleeping mat, and since it was nighttime. I decided to cook some rice and wagyu beef. Surprisingly, I found one of the most delicious and fatty beef here for 80 to 100$ for a 1 pound of wagyu. Sounds stupid but so do I. Of course, I don't buy wagyu every time. I always just buy a normal steak like a ribeye which is cheaper than any steak that I could find, but this time I decided to buy it since it's a steal

As the rice was midway of becoming cooked to my liking, I grabbed one of the wagyu beef and seared it in my frying pan. I like it rare because it's just tastier and since it's wagyu beef, It's even better! I just put some salt and pepper and that's it. When the wagyu was done, the rice also was finished cooking

I grabbed a plate and got some rice and the wagyu that I cooked, and that's it, What? You're expecting some veggies and such? Well I'm out of stock right now so I'll probably restock tomorrow, But either way, I am satisfied with my dinner. After I was finished eating, I washed the dishes and took a nice cold shower. When I was finished doing my bathroom activities, I put on my usual sleeping pj's and laid in bed with the tv on while reading my manga. My rent is pretty low to borderline free so I don't care about my electricty or water that much.

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