
A Kiss

After a quick farewell to the Empress, Alvar wasted no time in climbing aboard the eagle and heading toward his elven love. The birds could move faster than even Alvar could calculate. Whether by the Fates or sheer determination, Alvar found himself entering Valiant an hour before sunset the following day.

It was far easier to enter the palace than Alvar had anticipated. With all the attention on the people coming and going to pay respects to the new Emperor and the lack of recognition between the gnome and human guards (not to mention all the random pirates), no seemed to be paying him any mind. Alvar easily changed his appearance at each checkpoint to match whomever he needed.

Once inside the building, Alvar tried to recall the map Aurora had drawn him before he left. He headed toward Princess Mairwen's suite of rooms while avoiding the main halls.

He knocked on what he believed was the appropriate door, and was greeted by a lady-in-waiting. The girl told Alvar, who was disguised as a servant, that the princess was still having dinner with her brother and his allies. She not so politely closed the door before he could ask any further.

Frustrated, the he-elf wandered blindly hoping to find whatever dining hall the lady had mention. Alvar knew that his fiancée would scold him for being so foolish, but the thought of seeing her was too powerful to give him any more patience.

"We need some entertainment for the next dinner, Cafer," a voice said as it rounded the corner.

Instinctively, Alvar made himself invisible and pushed up against the wall.

The second person in the conversation rolled his eyes. "I agree that the meal was dull, but I hardly think we need a juggler to liven things up, Captain Xander."

The pirate shrugged. "It certainly couldn't hurt. One of my men is one, but I sent him to find those fugitives who escaped the siege. Perhaps when he returns, he can give us a show."

"I will see what His Majesty thinks." Cafer said blandly. "But if your men go far enough south, they can seek help from the Southern Fort. I got word this evening from the leprechauns that the fort was successfully overrun even before the dragon's attacked."

"Good," Xander nodded his approval. "One less thing to worry about…"

Their voices trailed off as the figures continued down the hall. Heaving a sigh of relief, Alvar allowed his body to reappear. He tried to remember what Aurora had told him about who had seized their castle. Alvar knew Cafer from a decade ago, but Xander was someone new. The he-elf would tell Brinn everything to see what she thought. But first he needed to find her.

After no success, Alvar headed back toward Mairwen's rooms. As he got close, he could hear hushed voices.

"I will keep Baak away from you," a male voice promised.

"You better, or I will make sure those owl eyes never look at me that way again…" a female voice replied. At the sound of the second voice, Alvar's heart soared.

Peeking at the group, Alvar spotted three people. A beautiful young lady that looked remarkably like a younger version of Aurora was talking to a boy around the same age as her with similar facial features. Alvar knew immediately that this was Brinn, disguised as Mairwen, and prince Alaron.

"I'll make sure the door is locked," the third person said. He was a lanky boy, and he gave Brinn an encouraging smile. The boy's glance stirred a jealousy in Alvar. But the he-elf did not dare to reveal himself in front of the two males. He would have to wait.

The group finished their talk and Alaron left. To the elf's surprise, the other male and Brinn headed into Mairwen's chambers together. 'What is that man doing?!' Alvar wondered as his anger grew. The elf decided to investigate.

Turning invisible, Alvar slipped past the lazy guards and into the room before the boy could shut the door. Once inside, Alvar took the form of a lady-in-waiting and joined the group of eager eyes watching the princess and the boy.

"Renat and I have a few things to discuss," Brinn explained as the two quickly headed off to the sitting room where the boy slept.

"Yes, Your Highness," Lady Allyson responded with a curtsy. "We will be right here."

The pair entered the room, but could still be seen as the sitting room had no door. The ladies looked at the newcomer who had entered their circle.

"Who are you?" Allyson asked.

Knowing his own limits, Alvar touched his throat shook his head sadly. Then he made the motions with his hands to show he had been injured as a baby. The ladies took pity of the new lady-in-waiting as asked her no more questions. Instead they turned their attention to the couple nearby.

"What do you think they talk about?" One of the girls asked as the ladies began to gossip.

"Undying love mostly," Allyson teased, "I would love for a man to look at me the way Renat looks at her. Of course it would be nice if he were rich and noble…"

The girls prattled on, but Alvar stopped listening. His heart was in knots as he watched Brinn and Renat work together. Brinn might have been wearing Mairwen's face, but Alvar needed to know if his fiancée had romantic affection for this boy. The boy's longing look in her direction nearly made Alvar drop his disguise and punch the boy in the nose. What's worse, he could not hear them because Brinn was using wind magic to obscure their voices from the ladies.

At last Brinn came from the room and bid the group goodnight. Alvar saw his chance. He would reveal himself to his love, but first he would test how she would react to a visit from Renat in her room.

Alvar excused himself and pretended to leave, but instead quickly headed to Mairwen's chamber. The elf changed his appearance to mimic Renat and hurried into the bedchamber.

"Brinn?" He called gently in order to disguise his voice. His genuine look of desire shone in his eyes. Brinn looked at him confused, but did not kick him out.

"Yes?" the lady answered.

Alvar inhaled deeply. It was now or never. The elf closed the gap between her and embraced his love.

"Brinn," he said again, this time more as a sigh. Then he pressed his lips to the elf wearing the human Princess's face. At first Brinn tensed, but then she relaxed and kissed back, even wrapping her arms around Alvar's shoulders. The he-elf wanted to cry that his love was willing to receive the lanky boy, but he was enjoying the kiss too much.

Brinn pulled back and gasped loudly before giving a coquettish grin. Then without warning, she pulled back her arms and punched Alvar in the arm. He grunted in pain.

"How dare you kiss me with that foolish boy's face on! I nearly stabbed you when you started walking towards me," she admonished him.

The elf began to kiss Alvar again, this time with even more fervor. They barely registered the door open a second time or the gasp that escapes the human boy's lips.

Renat stared at—what exactly was he seeing? Someone that looked like him was enthusiastically kissing someone that looked just like Mairwen. Was he dreaming? Plenty of thoughts filled his head, but he forced them aside as he processed the scene before him.

"What—how?" The scientist could not even form a complete thought.

Brinn finally pulled herself from her lover's embrace and let her disguise fall away. "What are you doing spying on me? Are you entertained?" The elf glared at him.

The scientist averted his gaze as he turned redder than a pepper. "No. I did not mean to…it's just that… I mean…That is not Gandr, right?" He stammered.

Alvar let his disguise fall away. "How many others are you seeing?" he accused with a hint of amusement. Now that he was sure that there was nothing between Brinn and Renat, he had relaxed considerably.

"I only have eyes for you, you dummy!" Brinn hit the elf in the arm again with a smirk. "Renat, this is Alvar, my fiancé. Alvar, this is Renat. She is Mairwen's idiot, I mean boyfriend."

"I am not either of those!" Renat argued. "But I am pleased to meet you. Brinn mentions you often." The scientist and he-elf shook forearms.

"Not too often! Dont't get a swelled head," Brinn blushed. "Anyway, why are you here?"

"We got your message ball," Alvar said. "I have come to help you and rescue Bukuri."

Brinn scowled, "I can handle things without you!"

"I know!" Alvar agreed quickly.

The spymaster's face softened. "But I am glad you are here." She added with a caress of his face. It was Alvar's turn to blush.

Brinn pictured how he had tried to trick her into thinking he was Renat, but she could not be mad. In fact, it gave the spymaster an idea that would fix many of her problems.

"Did you bring more message balls with you? I sent my last one." The red-headed elf asked.

"Of course. Your parents sent me well-equipped." Alvar held patted a sack that was tucked into his waistband.

"Good, I wish we had a faster way to communicate back and forth. Mairwen and Aurora are lucky that they have the magical mirrors," Brinn mused.

Alvar grunted and furrowed his brow. "When I left, Mairwen had not contacted Aurora. The Empress had sent her at least a dozen messages."

"I am glad Aurora made it, but the other news is disturbing. Surely Mairwen didn't forget about the mirror. It was in her bag. I wonder what happened."

"Her…bag?" Renat stuttered. "I think I know what happened." The boy explained how he had had the Princess's satchel when he was caught in the explosion. "It is in the sitting room," he told them sheepishly.

Brinn smacked the boy on the back of the head. "You couldn't have mentioned that earlier? Go get it! We have an Empress to contact!"

Renat scurried away to comply. "You must really think highly of that boy," Alvar observed.

"What do you mean?" Brin asked.

"I've received enough of those 'love taps' to know what they mean." The elf smirked and then braced himself for another blow. Instead he received a passionate kiss from the lady. Brinn had missed her goofy fiancé terribly.

Renat returned and immediately grimaced. "At least you are doing that with your own faces this time!"

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