
11. Weapon creation, 2.

The Needle like weapon was created successfully. Shame I couldn't use it with this body, it was far too long and I'd have more of a chance of using it as a spear.

"I'll have to let the paths train with them, my body is too small to use pretty much any of these blades." I say strapping the wire to the needle sword.

The mark on the summoning scroll had also completed.

Valerie also was looking at the strange blade.

It was razor sharp along the edges and the point of the sword could easily pierce into metal. It gave off a very dangerous feel.

"Well if all else fails you can go into weapon crafting and make a fortune." Valerie says touching the blade with her finger which starts to bleed.

"I would rather not." I say putting it into my gate for added benefits then passing it to the human path. Although I wonder how much damage I could cause using it with the gate?

The paths once more get to work on drawing seals. Honestly it's not that hard to use seals. I already have all the designs for everything, you simply need to be able to write and copy. What's more effective at copying than using the rinnesharingan?

Am I some kind of sealing master? Hell no. But when I comes to copying I'm probably the best around. All it took was to watch a couple of artists doing paintings or writing and I'd copied thier style. There were plenty of art gods and goddesses so I could just steal thier techniques.

My writing went from chicken scratch to fucking impeccable in a single day.

"So what's the next sword you are making?" Valerie asks eagerly.

"Kubikiribocho, what a fucking mouthful, its also called the executioners blade, or the decapitating carving knife. It's a rather large sword, so I wont be able to use it with my current body once more. Its main effects are to restore itself when damaged by drinking blood. It also has the effect of slowing down natural healing, and it should be able to increase blood drain, I've also made a seal which should allow for it to heal the user with blood. Hopefully it will be a vampiric sword with the changes I made. Like all the others I've added in seals to increase sharpness and durability and made some changes to the metal." I tell her as she seems really interested in the blade now.

This time along with the weapon parts there is also a few vials of blood. Including some medicines that work as anti-coagulation, this means when someone is cut they continue to bleed.

"Are you going to be able to use any of these weapons?" She asks curiously.

"Sadly no, they are all far too large and unwieldy for me. However Samehada will stay with me, the paths dont have active chakra systems and draw thier chakra from me. So it's pointless for them to have it." I tell her with a frown.

Soon a massive pitch black blade starts to form in the sealing circle. However unlike the original executioners blade, it has red veins running along the blade. It truly looks sinister.

Damn thing is nearly as big as Samehada,

Got to admit that it looks pretty wicked though.

The recall scroll is activated and the new blade is placed in the gate. Before I pass it off to the Naraka Path, what better path to have a healing sword then the healing path.

"How are you holding those swords?" Valerie asks curiously as Naraka sticks the executioner blade to his back.

"Chakra, just like tree and leaf sticking except I make the blade stick to my back." I explain while laying out more materials, this time however it's different. There is a large scroll covered in seals. The blade looks significantly different. It looks like a large rolling tube with a blade on one side.

"The Shibuki, or Blast Sword, It runs on explosive seals, the seals wrap around the tube like blade and can be either used to explode the blade forward at high speed, or smashed into an opponent and detonated for massive damage, the explosive seals can also be detached or stuck to enemies on contact." I explain. "The seals added to this are mainly to increase sharpness and prevent damage done to the blade by explosions, it also produces explosive seals so I dont have to worry about running out mid fight."

"Let me guess you also changed what it was made out of?" Valerie says with a smirk.

"All these manuals only used iron, steel or chakra metal. So if i can upgrade them of course I'm going too. I put in quite a bit of work reading about ores and thier properties to upgrade these weapons."

The Blast sword is completed like all the rest of the swords.

The next to enter the formation is a large hammer, chain, and axe.

"The Kabutowari, Also called the Helm Splitter or the Bluntsword, dunno how its classified as a sword considering it's an axe an a hammer. Anyway, it has gravity seals on both side of the weapon, this increases the weight of the weapons and can smash enemies to death on activation. The axe side also has sharpness seals. They can be thrown as the chain stretches, imagine having someone hurl a 10 ton hammer at you like it's nothing. Nobody expects the weight." I tell Valerie but she is too busy poking the executioners blade curiously.

"Is this what you needed my blood for?" She asks.

"Yes, I used your blood in the creation." I sigh before activating the seals.

Samehada, Executioner Blade, Needle, Blast sword, Helm Splitter, 5 down 2 to go.

The return seal is completed, its stored in the gate, and the new seals are printed out for the next set of swords.

"Kiba, twins swords imbued with lightning. They cause really nasty side effects. They can also be used to summon lightning, plus they are unnaturally sharp. Most of the time they are use for lightning quick attacks to overwhelm opponents. Plus with the lightning, if opponents try to block them, they often end up paralyzed which slows movement." Valerie is still listening even if she is looking at the new weapons.

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